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improve svd rrule and tests
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Jutho committed Nov 17, 2023
1 parent f014902 commit 5c0b6f5
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228 changes: 163 additions & 65 deletions ext/TensorKitChainRulesCoreExt.jl
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# Factorizations
# --------------

function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(TensorKit.tsvd!), t::AbstractTensorMap; kwargs...)
U, S, V, ϵ = tsvd(t; kwargs...)

function tsvd!_pullback((ΔU, ΔS, ΔV, Δϵ))
∂t = similar(t)
for (c, b) in blocks(∂t)
svd_rev(block(U, c), block(S, c), block(V, c),
block(ΔU, c), block(ΔS, c), block(ΔV, c)))
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(TensorKit.tsvd!), t::AbstractTensorMap;
U, Σ, V, ϵ = tsvd(t; trunc=TensorKit.NoTruncation(), p=p, alg=alg)

if !(trunc isa TensorKit.NoTruncation) && !isempty(blocksectors(t))
Σddata = TensorKit.SectorDict(c => diag(b) for (c, b) in blocks(Σ))
dims = TensorKit.SectorDict(c => length(b) for (c, b) in Σddata)
Σddata, ϵ = TensorKit._truncate!(Σddata, trunc, p)
Udata′, Σddata′, Vdata′, dims′ = TensorKit._implement_svdtruncation!(t,
W = spacetype(t)(dims′)
if W domain(Σ)
W = domain(Σ)

return NoTangent(), ∂t
U′, Σ′, V′ = TensorKit._create_svdtensors(t, Udata′, Σddata′, Vdata′, W)
U′, Σ′, V′ = U, Σ, V

return (U, S, V, ϵ), tsvd!_pullback

svd_rev(U, S, V, ΔU, ΔS, ΔV; tol=eps(real(scalartype(Σ)))^(4 / 5))
Implements the following back propagation formula for the SVD:
ΔA = UΔSV' + U(J + J')SV' + US(K + K')V' + \\frac{1}{2}US^{-1}(L' - L)V'\\
J = F ∘ (U'ΔU), \\qquad K = F ∘ (V'ΔV), \\qquad L = I ∘ (V'ΔV)\\
F_{i ≠ j} = \\frac{1}{s_j^2 - s_i^2}\\
F_{ii} = 0
# References
function tsvd!_pullback((ΔU, ΔΣ, ΔV, Δϵ))
Δt = similar(t)
for (c, b) in blocks(Δt)
Uc, Σc, Vc = block(U, c), block(Σ, c), block(V, c)
ΔUc, ΔΣc, ΔVc = block(ΔU, c), block(ΔΣ, c), block(ΔV, c)
Σdc = view(Σc, diagind(Σc))
ΔΣdc = view(ΔΣc, diagind(ΔΣc))
copyto!(b, svd_pullback(Uc, Σdc, Vc, ΔUc, ΔΣdc, ΔVc))
return NoTangent(), Δt

Wan, Zhou-Quan, and Shi-Xin Zhang. 2019. “Automatic Differentiation for Complex Valued SVD.”
function svd_rev(U::AbstractMatrix, S::AbstractMatrix, V::AbstractMatrix, ΔU, ΔS, ΔV;
rtol::Real=atol > 0 ? 0 : eps(scalartype(S))^(3 / 4))
# project out gauge invariance dependence?
# ΔU * U + ΔV * V' = 0
return (U′, Σ′, V′, ϵ), tsvd!_pullback

# SVD_pullback: pullback implementation for general (possibly truncated) SVD
# Arguments are U, S and Vd of full (non-truncated, but still thin) SVD, as well as
# cotangent ΔU, ΔS, ΔVd variables of truncated SVD
# Checks whether the cotangent variables are such that they would couple to gauge-dependent
# degrees of freedom (phases of singular vectors), and prints a warning if this is the case
# An implementation that only uses U, S, and Vd from truncated SVD is also possible, but
# requires solving a Sylvester equation, which does not seem to be supported on GPUs.
# Other implementation considerations for GPU compatibility:
# no scalar indexing, lots of broadcasting and views
safe_inv(a, tol) = abs(a) < tol ? zero(a) : inv(a)
function svd_pullback(U::AbstractMatrix, S::AbstractVector, Vd::AbstractMatrix, ΔU, ΔS, ΔVd;
rtol::Real=atol > 0 ? 0 : eps(scalartype(S))^(3 / 4))

# Basic size checks and determination
m, n = size(U, 1), size(Vd, 2)
size(U, 2) == size(Vd, 1) == length(S) == min(m, n) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
ΔU isa AbstractZero && ΔVd isa AbstractZero && ΔS isa AbstractZero &&
return ZeroTangent()
p = -1
if !(ΔU isa AbstractZero)
m == size(ΔU, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
p = size(ΔU, 2)
if !(ΔVd isa AbstractZero)
n == size(ΔVd, 2) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
if p == -1
p = size(ΔVd, 1)
p == size(ΔVd, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
if !(ΔS isa AbstractZero)
if ΔS isa AbstractMatrix
ΔSr = real(diag(ΔS))
else # ΔS isa AbstractVector
ΔSr = real(ΔS)
if p == -1
p = length(ΔSr)
p == length(ΔSr) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
Up = view(U, :, 1:p)
Vp = view(Vd, 1:p, :)'
Sp = view(S, 1:p)

# tolerance and rank
tol = atol > 0 ? atol : rtol * S[1, 1]
F = _invert_S²(S, tol)
S⁻¹ = pinv(S; atol=tol)

term = ΔS isa ZeroTangent ? ΔS : Diagonal(diag(ΔS))
r = findlast(>=(tol), S)

# compute antihermitian part of projection of ΔU and ΔV onto U and V
# also already subtract this projection from ΔU and ΔV
if !(ΔU isa AbstractZero)
UΔU = Up' * ΔU
aUΔU = rmul!(UΔU - UΔU', 1 / 2)
if m > p
ΔU -= Up * UΔU
aUΔU = fill!(similar(U, (p, p)), 0)
if !(ΔVd isa AbstractZero)
VΔV = Vp' * ΔVd'
aVΔV = rmul!(VΔV - VΔV', 1 / 2)
if n > p
ΔVd -= VΔV' * Vp'
aVΔV = fill!(similar(V, (p, p)), 0)

J = F .* (U' * ΔU)
term += (J + J') * S
VΔV = (V * ΔV')
K = F .* VΔV
term += S * (K + K')
# check whether cotangents arise from gauge-invariance objective function
mask = abs.(Sp' .- Sp) .< tol
gaugepart = view(aUΔU, mask) + view(aVΔV, mask)
norm(gaugepart, Inf) < tol || @warn "cotangents sensitive to gauge choice"
if p > r
rprange = (r + 1):p
norm(view(aUΔU, rprange, rprange), Inf) < tol ||
@warn "cotangents sensitive to gauge choice"
norm(view(aVΔV, rprange, rprange), Inf) < tol ||
@warn "cotangents sensitive to gauge choice"

if scalartype(U) <: Complex && !(ΔV isa ZeroTangent) && !(ΔU isa ZeroTangent)
L = LinearAlgebra.Diagonal(diag(VΔV))
term += 0.5 * S⁻¹ * (L' - L)
UdΔAV = (aUΔU .+ aVΔV) .* safe_inv.(Sp' .- Sp, tol) .+
(aUΔU .- aVΔV) .* safe_inv.(Sp' .+ Sp, tol)
if !(ΔS isa ZeroTangent)
UdΔAV[diagind(UdΔAV)] .+= ΔSr
ΔA = Up * UdΔAV * Vp'

if r > p # contribution from truncation
Ur = view(U, :, (p + 1):r)
Vr = view(Vd, (p + 1):r, :)'
Sr = view(S, (p + 1):r)

if !(ΔU isa AbstractZero)
UrΔU = Ur' * ΔU
if m > r
ΔU -= Ur * UrΔU # subtract this part from ΔU
UrΔU = fill!(similar(U, (r - p, p)), 0)
if !(ΔVd isa AbstractZero)
VrΔV = Vr' * ΔVd'
if n > r
ΔVd -= VrΔV' * Vr' # subtract this part from ΔV
VrΔV = fill!(similar(V, (r - p, p)), 0)

ΔA = U * term * V
X = (1 // 2) .* ((UrΔU .+ VrΔV) .* safe_inv.(Sp' .- Sr, tol) .+
(UrΔU .- VrΔV) .* safe_inv.(Sp' .+ Sr, tol))
Y = (1 // 2) .* ((UrΔU .+ VrΔV) .* safe_inv.(Sp' .- Sr, tol) .-
(UrΔU .- VrΔV) .* safe_inv.(Sp' .+ Sr, tol))

if size(U, 1) != size(V, 2)
UUd = U * U'
VdV = V' * V
ΔA += (one(UUd) - UUd) * ΔU * S⁻¹ * V + U * S⁻¹ * ΔV * (one(VdV) - VdV)
# ΔA += Ur * X * Vp' + Up * Y' * Vr'
mul!(ΔA, Ur, X * Vp', 1, 1)
mul!(ΔA, Up * Y', Vr', 1, 1)

return ΔA

function _invert_S²(S::AbstractMatrix{T}, tol::Real) where {T<:Real}
F = similar(S)
@inbounds for i in axes(F, 1), j in axes(F, 2)
F[i, j] = if i == j
sᵢ, sⱼ = S[i, i], S[j, j]
1 / (abs(sⱼ - sᵢ) < tol ? tol : sⱼ^2 - sᵢ^2)
if m > max(r, p) && !(ΔU isa AbstractZero) # remaining ΔU is already orthogonal to U[:,1:max(p,r)]
# ΔA += (ΔU .* safe_inv.(Sp', tol)) * Vp'
mul!(ΔA, ΔU .* safe_inv.(Sp', tol), Vp', 1, 1)
return F
if n > max(r, p) && !(ΔVd isa AbstractZero) # remaining ΔV is already orthogonal to V[:,1:max(p,r)]
# ΔA += U * (safe_inv.(Sp, tol) .* ΔVd)
mul!(ΔA, Up, safe_inv.(Sp, tol) .* ΔVd, 1, 1)
return ΔA

function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(leftorth!), t::AbstractTensorMap; alg=QRpos())
Expand Down
101 changes: 88 additions & 13 deletions test/ad.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ precision(::Type{<:Union{Float64,Complex{Float64}}}) = 1e-8

# rrules for functions that destroy inputs
# ----------------------------------------
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(TensorKit.tsvd), args...)
return ChainRulesCore.rrule(tsvd!, args...)
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(TensorKit.tsvd), args...; kwargs...)
return ChainRulesCore.rrule(tsvd!, args...; kwargs...)
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(TensorKit.leftorth), args...; kwargs...)
return ChainRulesCore.rrule(leftorth!, args...; kwargs...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,8 +131,9 @@ Vlist = ((ℂ^2, (ℂ^3)', ℂ^3, ℂ^2, (ℂ^2)'),
ℂ[SU2Irrep](0 => 2, 1 // 2 => 2),
ℂ[SU2Irrep](0 => 1, 1 // 2 => 1, 3 // 2 => 1)'))

@testset "Automatic Differentiation ($(eltype(V)))" verbose = true for V in Vlist
@testset "Basic Linear Algebra ($T)" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
@testset "Automatic Differentiation with spacetype $(TensorKit.type_repr(eltype(V)))" verbose = true for V in
@testset "Basic Linear Algebra with scalartype $T" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
A = TensorMap(randn, T, V[1] V[2] V[3] V[4] V[5])
B = TensorMap(randn, T, space(A))

Expand All @@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ Vlist = ((ℂ^2, (ℂ^3)', ℂ^3, ℂ^2, (ℂ^2)'),
test_rrule(permute, A, ((1, 3, 2), (5, 4)))

@testset "Linear Algebra part II ($T)" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
@testset "Linear Algebra part II with scalartype $T" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
for i in 1:3
E = TensorMap(randn, T, (V[1:i]...) (V[1:i]...))
test_rrule(, E)
Expand All @@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ Vlist = ((ℂ^2, (ℂ^3)', ℂ^3, ℂ^2, (ℂ^2)'),
test_rrule(LinearAlgebra.norm, A, 2)

@testset "TensorOperations ($T)" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
@testset "TensorOperations with scalartype $T" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
atol = precision(T)
rtol = precision(T)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ Vlist = ((ℂ^2, (ℂ^3)', ℂ^3, ℂ^2, (ℂ^2)'),

@testset "Factorizations ($T)" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
@testset "Factorizations with scalartype $T" for T in (Float64, ComplexF64)
A = TensorMap(randn, T, V[1] V[2] V[3] V[4] V[5])
B = TensorMap(randn, T, space(A)')
C = TensorMap(randn, T, V[1] V[2] V[1] V[2])
Expand All @@ -242,12 +243,86 @@ Vlist = ((ℂ^2, (ℂ^3)', ℂ^3, ℂ^2, (ℂ^2)'),
test_rrule(rightorth, C; fkwargs=(; alg=alg), atol)

# Complex-valued SVD tests are incompatible with finite differencing,
# because U and V are not unique.
if T <: Real
test_rrule(tsvd, A; atol)
test_rrule(tsvd, B; atol)
test_rrule(tsvd, C; atol)
let (U, S, V, ϵ) = tsvd(A)
ΔU = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(U), space(U))
ΔS = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(S), space(S))
ΔV = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(V), space(V))
if T <: Complex # remove gauge dependent components
gaugepart = U' * ΔU + V * ΔV'
for (c, b) in blocks(gaugepart)
mul!(block(ΔU, c), block(U, c), Diagonal(imag(diag(b))), -im, 1)
test_rrule(tsvd, A; atol, output_tangent=(ΔU, ΔS, ΔV, 0.0))

allS = mapreduce(x -> diag(x[2]), vcat, blocks(S))
truncval = (maximum(allS) + minimum(allS)) / 2
U, S, V, ϵ = tsvd(A; trunc=truncbelow(truncval))
ΔU = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(U), space(U))
ΔS = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(S), space(S))
ΔV = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(V), space(V))
if T <: Complex # remove gauge dependent components
gaugepart = U' * ΔU + V * ΔV'
for (c, b) in blocks(gaugepart)
mul!(block(ΔU, c), block(U, c), Diagonal(imag(diag(b))), -im, 1)
test_rrule(tsvd, A; atol, output_tangent=(ΔU, ΔS, ΔV, 0.0),
fkwargs=(; trunc=truncbelow(truncval)))

let (U, S, V, ϵ) = tsvd(B)
ΔU = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(U), space(U))
ΔS = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(S), space(S))
ΔV = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(V), space(V))
if T <: Complex # remove gauge dependent components
gaugepart = U' * ΔU + V * ΔV'
for (c, b) in blocks(gaugepart)
mul!(block(ΔU, c), block(U, c), Diagonal(imag(diag(b))), -im, 1)
test_rrule(tsvd, B; atol, output_tangent=(ΔU, ΔS, ΔV, 0.0))

Vtrunc = spacetype(S)(c => ceil(size(b, 1) / 2) for (c, b) in blocks(S))

U, S, V, ϵ = tsvd(B; trunc=truncspace(Vtrunc))
ΔU = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(U), space(U))
ΔS = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(S), space(S))
ΔV = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(V), space(V))
if T <: Complex # remove gauge dependent components
gaugepart = U' * ΔU + V * ΔV'
for (c, b) in blocks(gaugepart)
mul!(block(ΔU, c), block(U, c), Diagonal(imag(diag(b))), -im, 1)
test_rrule(tsvd, B; atol, output_tangent=(ΔU, ΔS, ΔV, 0.0),
fkwargs=(; trunc=truncspace(Vtrunc)))

let (U, S, V, ϵ) = tsvd(C)
ΔU = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(U), space(U))
ΔS = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(S), space(S))
ΔV = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(V), space(V))
if T <: Complex # remove gauge dependent components
gaugepart = U' * ΔU + V * ΔV'
for (c, b) in blocks(gaugepart)
mul!(block(ΔU, c), block(U, c), Diagonal(imag(diag(b))), -im, 1)
test_rrule(tsvd, C; atol, output_tangent=(ΔU, ΔS, ΔV, 0.0))

U, S, V, ϵ = tsvd(C; trunc=truncdim(2))
ΔU = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(U), space(U))
ΔS = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(S), space(S))
ΔV = TensorMap(randn, scalartype(V), space(V))
if T <: Complex # remove gauge dependent components
gaugepart = U' * ΔU + V * ΔV'
for (c, b) in blocks(gaugepart)
mul!(block(ΔU, c), block(U, c), Diagonal(imag(diag(b))), -im, 1)
test_rrule(tsvd, C; atol, output_tangent=(ΔU, ΔS, ΔV, 0.0),
fkwargs=(; trunc=truncdim(2)))

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