This repository created for ASR Hackathon Competition.
We won the Excellence award in NHN Consortium 2020 AI Training Data Hackathon Competition (코로나음성인식 Team)
**We customized espnet1, espnet2
Training data information is as follows NHN ASR hackerthon dataset (not publicly available now) Voice data types consist of men and women(adult, senior, children, foreign languages). It is free-talk voice data(total of 200 speakers and approximately 400 hours of data). The PCM data information is 16 kHz, one channel, and 16 bits.
pip install chainer
pip install hgtk
pip install python-Levenshtein
pip install typeguard
pip install librosa
pip install configargparse
pip install torch_complex
pip install pytorch_wpe
pip install humanfriendly
conda install editdistance
We used bayesian optimization to find optimal beam size, penalty score, and CTC weight to inference model
We achieve the 4.5 CER in NHN ASR hackerthon dataset (not publicly available now)
Dataset | number of dataset | CER |
Validation | - | 5.2 |
Test | - | 5.5 |
Dataset | number of dataset | CER |
Test | - | 14.5 |
Input data folder samples are in data folder.
#input_data_path : folder
#output_data_path : txt file
python evaluation --input_dir "input_data_path" --output_dir "output_data_path"