This thesis investigates the effects of frequency manipulation on the embeddings of Visual Foundation Models, specifically Clip and Dino, in the realm of deepfake detection. We designed a series of experiments to analyze how image encodings by various Generative Adversarial Networks and Diffusion Models change when frequency information is altered. Our focus was on the dependency of these models on frequency artifacts, as highlighted in previous research. Our findings contrast with earlier studies, revealing that Clip is indeed influenced by frequency domain artifacts. While Clip performs adequately in the absence of these artifacts, their presence during training cannot always be guaranteed. We also discovered that DINO outperforms CLIP (by 10% for PD@1) when trained exclusively on GAN's and tested on diffusion models, highlighting its superior performance in terms of generalization. Notably, DINO demonstrates remarkable resilience to low-pass filtering, only affected by intense filters, whereas CLIP shows a more gradual performance decline. We postulate that Dino's robustness is partly due to its student-teacher knowledge distillation training, which seems to foster a strong low-to-high frequency correspondence and stronger entropy in the lower frequency domain.
Requires python>=3.8
Create Vitual Environment:
python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please follow Rickers implementation to create the example data.
Here are the scripts to train the linear layer. The code is not efficient, yet to storage problems this was to only feasable way. We would recommand to create the embeddings before hand to improve processing time drastically.
Cross Entropy
python -et DinoV2 -ec facebook/dinov2-giant -hs 1536 -mn DinoV2 -sp ./results -en cross_entropy_no_permutations -ht linear -nm 1 -lt BCE --num_epochs 5 --for_all
python -et OpenClip -ec laion2b_s34b_b88k -hs 1024 -mn OpenClip -sp ./results -en cross_entropy_no_permutations -ht linear -nm 1 -lt BCE --num_epochs 5 --for_all
python -et DinoV2 -ec facebook/dinov2-giant -hs 1536 -mn DinoV2 -sp ./results -en cross_entropy_lowpass_low_frequency -ht linear -nm 1 -lt BCE --num_epochs 5 --for_all -ft butterworth_lowpass
python -et OpenClip -ec laion2b_s34b_b88k -hs 1024 -mn OpenClip -sp ./results -en cross_entropy_lowpass_middle_frequency -ht linear -nm 1 -lt BCE --num_epochs 5 --for_all -ft butterworth_lowpass
Create lowpass filter with filter_radius increments of 5
python3 core/ -p ./data/example/000_frame0.png -e lowpass_butterworth -sp ./results/example_data -t lowpass_butterworth -r 5
Create a highpass
python3 core/ -p ./data/example/000_frame0.png -e highpass_butterwoth -sp ./results/example_data -t butterworth_highpass -r 5
Create a bandPass
python3 core/ -p ./data/example/000_frame0.png -tip 00000001.png -e butterworth_bandpass_filter_mask -sp ./results/example_data -t butterworth_bandpass -r 5
Create a FDA
python3 core/ -p 00000001.png -e FDA -sp ./results/example_data -t FDA -r 5
Here we run the evualuation of the different filters on the coco dataset trained model. For each run, we save the embeddings from the encoder and the embeddings of the linear layer.
First we test the impact of the low_pass filter on the embedding spaces for DinoV2 and Clip
python -et DinoV2 -mc /home/wustl/Dummy/Wustl/Deepfake/MasterThesis/model/checkpoints/cross_entropy_no_permutations/DinoV2_ADM_1536_linearepoch=4-val_loss=0.19.ckpt -ec facebook/dinov2-giant -hs 1536 -mn DinoV2 -ft butterworth_lowpass -sp ./results -en butt_low_5_ce -nm 1 --loss_type BCE --for_all
python -et OpenClip -mc /home/wustl/Dummy/Wustl/Deepfake/MasterThesis/model/checkpoints/cross_entropy_no_permutations/ -ec laion2b_s34b_b88k -hs 1024 -mn OpenClip -ft butterworth_lowpass -sp ./results -en butt_low_5_ce -nm 1 -ht linear --loss_type BCE --for_all
python -et DinoV2 -mc /home/wustl/Dummy/Wustl/Deepfake/MasterThesis/model/checkpoints/cross_entropy_no_permutations/DinoV2_ADM_1536_linearepoch=4-val_loss=0.19.ckpt -ec facebook/dinov2-giant -hs 1536 -mn DinoV2 -ft FDA -sp ./results -en fda_ce -nm 1 --loss_type BCE --for_all
python -et OpenClip -mc /home/wustl/Dummy/Wustl/Deepfake/MasterThesis/model/checkpoints/cross_entropy_no_permutations/ -ec laion2b_s34b_b88k -hs 1024 -mn OpenClip -ft FDA -sp ./results -en fda_ce -nm 1 --loss_type BCE --for_all
Lowpass with Filtered Images and Permutations
python -et DinoV2 -mc /home/wustl/Dummy/Wustl/Deepfake/MasterThesis/model/checkpoints/cross_entropy_no_permutations/ -ec facebook/dinov2-giant -hs 1536 -mn DinoV2 -ft butterworth_lowpass -sp ./results -en no_permutations -nm 1 --loss_type BCE --for_all
python -et OpenClip -mc /home/wustl/Dummy/Wustl/Deepfake/MasterThesis/model/checkpoints/cross_entropy_no_permutations/ -ec laion2b_s34b_b88k -hs 1024 -mn OpenClip -ft butterworth_lowpass -sp ./results -en no_permutations -nm 1 -ht linear --loss_type BCE --for_all
python -et OpenClip -mc /home/wustl/Dummy/Wustl/Deepfake/MasterThesis/model/checkpoints/cross_entropy_lowpass_middle_frequency/ -ec laion2b_s34b_b88k -hs 1024 -mn OpenClip -ft butterworth_lowpass -sp ./results -en butt_low_middle_freq_ce -nm 1 -ht linear --loss_type BCE --for_all
python -et DinoV2 -mc /home/wustl/Dummy/Wustl/Deepfake/MasterThesis/model/checkpoints/cross_entropy_lowpass_middle_frequency/ -ec facebook/dinov2-giant -hs 1536 -mn DinoV2 -ft butterworth_lowpass -sp ./results -en butt_low_middle_freq_ce -nm 1 --loss_type BCE --for_all
python /home/wustl/Dummy/Wustl/Deepfake/MasterThesis/data/lsun_bedroom/test /home/wustl/Dummy/Wustl/Deepfake/MasterThesis/results/data_paper/spectral fft_hp --img-dirs Real ProGAN StyleGAN ProjectedGAN Diff-StyleGAN2 Diff-ProjectedGAN --log --vmin 1e-5 --vmax 1e-1
python $WORKDIR/data/diffusion_model_deepfakes_lsun_bedroom/test $WORKDIR/output fft_hp --img-dirs Real DDPM IDDPM ADM PNDM LDM --log --vmin 1e-5 --vmax 1e-1
author={Julian Wustl},
title={The Role of Middle Frequencies in General Deepfake Detection},