Simple app used for tracking time
- extract list view items into a control
- make such that each list view item (lvi) displays the correct week
- Define look and data for list box view
- set up bindings to each list view items
- Calculate Time for the entire day
#future work
- could be cool to have notifications, such as: notify user is still clocked in for certain categories; reminders to clock out
########## OUTLINE OF LIST VIEW ITEM OBJECT AKA, TimeSheetViewModel ########
float TotalMinutes = get_total_minutes(); bool ClockIn string Category
// handles clocking in and out; currently code is in code behind command ClockInCommand {get;set;} // calculates minutes/hours for the previous week or the next week and updates the week component command GetNextOrPreviousWeekCommand {get;set;}
##pseudo code for calculating hours for each day of the week
categoryList = select distinct Categories from TableName foreach category : categoryList select * from TableName where Category = 'Category' and Date >= 'Calculate days for this week
######### END OF OUTLINE ##########################