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Changes to sandbox jenkins file
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Anselmo Rossiello authored and ytqsl committed Jun 10, 2019
1 parent 968dc18 commit d890c7b
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Showing 2 changed files with 666 additions and 451 deletions.
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions SANDBOX-Jenkinsfile
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@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
APP_NAME = "embcess-sandbox"

class AppEnvironment {
String name
String tag
String previousTag

// EDIT LINE BELOW (Edit your environment TAG names)
environments = [
dev:new AppEnvironment(name:"Development",tag:"dev",previousTag:"dev-previous"),

// You shouldn't have to edit these if you're following the conventions



// Gets the container hash for the latest image in an image stream
def getLatestHash(imageStreamName) {
return sh (
script: """oc get istag ${imageStreamName}:latest -o=jsonpath='{}' | sed -e 's/sha256://g'""",
returnStdout: true

// Gets all tags already applied to this ImageStream (as a single string); e.g., 'dev test dev-previous my-other-tag ...'
def getAllTags(imageStreamName) {
return sh (
script: """oc get is ${imageStreamName} -o template --template='{{range .status.tags}}{{" "}}{{.tag}}{{end}}'""",
returnStdout: true

// Checks whether we are running this pipeline for the first time by looking at what tags are available on the application's ImageStream
def tagExists(tagName, imageStream) {
def tags = getAllTags(imageStream)
def entries = tags.split(" ")
for (entry in entries) {
if (entry == tagName) {
return true
return false

def buildAndVerify(buildConfigName) {
echo "Building: ${buildConfigName}"
bldCfg: buildConfigName,
showBuildLogs: 'true',
waitTime: '900000'
bldCfg: buildConfigName,
showBuildLogs: 'true',
waitTime: '900000'

def tagImage(srcHash, destination, imageStream) {
destStream: imageStream,
verbose: 'true',
destTag: destination,
srcStream: imageStream,
srcTag: srcHash,
waitTime: '900000'

// Keeps a copy of last good known configuration for a deployment (just in case)
def tagLatestStable(environment, backupTag, imageStream) {
// skip this on the first run... there's nothing to backup!
if (tagExists(environment, imageStream)) {
tagImage(environment, backupTag, imageStream)

def deployAndVerify(srcHash, environment, imageStream) {
echo "Deploying ${APP_NAME} to ${environment}"
tagImage(srcHash, environment, imageStream)
// verify deployment to an environment; e.g. [your-project-name]-dev
deploymentConfig: APP_NAME,
namespace: "${PROJECT_NAMESPACE}-${environment}",
waitTime: '900000'

// Generates a string representation of the current code changes that triggered a build
def getChangeString() {
def MAX_MSG_LEN = 512
def changeString = ""
def changeLogSets = currentBuild.changeSets
for (int i = 0; i < changeLogSets.size(); i++) {
def entries = changeLogSets[i].items
for (int j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) {
def entry = entries[j]
truncated_msg = entry.msg.take(MAX_MSG_LEN)
changeString += " - ${truncated_msg} [${}]\n"
if (!changeString) {
changeString = "No changes"
return changeString

def notifyGood(title, description) {
// TODO: Send notifications to Slack
echo title
if (description) {
echo description

def notifyError(title, description) {
// TODO: Send notifications to Slack
echo title
if (description) {
echo description

node('master') {

stage('Startup') {
// stop pending builds.
sh "oc cancel-build bc/${RUNTIME_CHAINED_BUILD}"
stage('Build') {
echo "Building Application image..."



/* Deploying to DEV
- backing up latest stable deployment
- deploying newly built image
- notifying of success or failure

stage("Deploy to ${}") {
def environment =
def stableTag =
node {
try {
// hold on to a copy of the last stable DEV environment (in case the upcoming deployment fails...)
tagLatestStable(environment, stableTag, IMAGESTREAM_NAME)
deployAndVerify(IMAGE_HASH, environment, IMAGESTREAM_NAME)
// all is good!
"New ${APP_NAME} in ${environment} :)",
"Changes: ${getChangeString()}"
} catch(error) {
"Couldn't deploy ${APP_NAME} to ${environment} :(",
"Error: '${error.message}'"
throw error

// ZAP security scan

podTemplate(label: 'owasp-zap2', name: 'owasp-zap2', serviceAccount: 'jenkins', cloud: 'openshift', containers: [
name: 'jnlp',
image: '',
resourceRequestCpu: '500m',
resourceLimitCpu: '1000m',
resourceRequestMemory: '3Gi',
resourceLimitMemory: '4Gi',
workingDir: '/home/jenkins',
command: '',
args: '${computer.jnlpmac} ${}'
stage('ZAP Security Scan')
node('owasp-zap2') {
//the checkout is mandatory
echo "checking out source"
echo "Build: ${BUILD_ID}"
checkout scm

dir('/zap') {
def retVal = sh returnStatus: true, script: '/zap/ -r baseline.html -t '
publishHTML([allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false, keepAll: true, reportDir: '/zap/wrk', reportFiles: 'baseline.html', reportName: 'ZAP Baseline Scan', reportTitles: 'ZAP Baseline Scan'])
echo "Return value is: ${retVal}"


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