PoC framework for game jams - joins separate (one-scene) games and lets them pass payloads to one another.
Tried to keep the GameConnection infra relatively tidy, but since this is a PoC some things may be a bit messy/hacky
Recommended Unity - 2019.3
To Load the demo:
- Open Tool Window (MenuItem GameConnection/Config Tool)
- Click "Load Start Scene"
- Enter Play mode.
Unity project containing 3 parts:
- GameConnection (infra for finding/connecting games from the project)
- 2 Demo games.
The demo involves 2 "games", the first gets the name of the player and a rival (i.e pokemon), and the second has a safe with a code. The code is the name of the rival entered in game 1.
- Open Tool Window (MenuItem GameConnection/Config Tool)
- (Re)Generate Game Manifest if you neetd to (this is the asset that holds Game Scene info)
- Reorder games if you like
- Hit "Set Build Indices" to configure scenes