- User CRUD
- Report CRUD
- User Auth
- Page Styling
- User Interactions*
- Moderation*
*Stretch Milestones
- Javascript
- Express
- Mongodb
- Mongoose
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As gamers we come across bugs in games frequently, especially with such a new game as CyberPunk 2077. We created a space for Cyberpunk 2077 users to have a community where they can report issues they are experiancing while playing. This platform allows users to view, post and interact with one anothers post. The user can scroll thruogh the home page to see different reporting post from the most recent and/or "top" reported by the community. On the home page users are able to interact by flagging a post when he/she/they/them have come across a similar issue or by writting a comment. The user will be able to see when the post was created with the date and timestamp, what system was used while playing, the severity of the bug and frequency.
Each user has the ability to create his/her/they/them own profile to login and out from. On the profile page individuals can view own post, write a post directly from profile page, read messages, as well as edit or delete previous reports. When setting up a profile users will be asked to create a username, write a quick blurb about oneself, enter email and password. Users can view each others profiles and interact with one another away from the reporting thread.
When creating a post the user is required to fill out the following fields:
Actual Outcome --(decribe what happen causing you to write the report)
Expected Outcome-- (describe what you expected to happen in the game)
Reproduce-- (describe how the error occured and how it can be reproduced)
as well as a few drop down categories.
If user chooses he/she/they/them are able to post anonymous and can link a photo of the bug they are reporting.
- searching reports
- moderator user level to manage reports/comments
- kudos (upvotes on reports)
- flagging (mark reports/comments as inappropriate)
- comments
- image links for reports
- following
- blocking
- user messaging
- support for multiple games
The site will be a pseudo-social site for reporting issues with Cyberpunk 2077. Base features include User Authentication, CRUD for Users, CRUD for reports, logging out, being able to see someone's reports on their profile view, showing reports on the main page by top, recent, and severity.