docker-compose up -d
check if there
docker ps
docker-compose down
docker-compose up --build -d
after updating an nginx config
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate nginx
sudo systemctl reload nginx
cat dump.sql | docker exec -i some-postgres psql -U postgres -d postgres
docker exec -i postgres_container psql -U postgres -d attendance
: Starts an interactive terminal session.
: The PostgreSQL CLI tool.
-U postgres
: Logs in as the postgres user.
-d attendance
: Connects to the attendance database.
check roles
check tables
having connection failures?
attendance=# \l
attendance=# \c attendance
You are now connected to database "attendance" as user "postgres".
attendance=# \du
attendance=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE attendance TO postgres;
├── cmd/ │ └── api/ │ └── main.go # Entry point ├── internal/ │ ├── handler/ │ │ └── attendance.go # HTTP handlers │ ├── model/ │ │ └── attendance.go # Data structures │ ├── db/ │ │ └── postgres.go # Database connection and queries │ └── api/ │ └── response.go # Response helpers └── config/ └── config.go # Configuration handling
docker ps // check if docker running container
docker exec -it postgres_container psql -U postgres -d attendance
SELECT * FROM attendance
ORDER BY created_at DESC
SELECT created_at, address, entrance_status
FROM attendance
ORDER BY created_at DESC