The capstone project for Module 2, Our team set up a "Kanban-board " repository. We create web application based on an external API. We Use JavaScript to make websites dynamic and build basic single page apps. The 2 sections We added to build for this project are:
- A home page showing a list of items that you can "like."
- A popup window with more data about an item that you can use to comment on it or reserve it for a period of time.
-Use JavaScript to make websites dynamic and build basic single page apps. -Use ES6 syntax. -Use ES6 modules. -Use callbacks and promises. -Use webpack. -Apply JavaScript best practices and language style guides in code. -Use AAA pattern for unit tests. -Write units tests for a JavaScript app. -Follow Gitflow. -Solve simple git conflicts. -Send and receive data from an API. -Use API documentation. -Understand and use JSON. -Make JavaScript code asynchronous. -Perform a code review for a team member.
- JavaScript
github repo link []
online version link []
+Open index.html
+first : run 'npm run build '
+then : run 'npm start '
Vedio Demo Link : []
Instructions on how to access my project locally. To Access my project locally please follow the following instructions;
- Enter this url: in your web browser.
- Once opened navigate to the top left level of the project a green code download button will be visible on the righthand side.
- Select download Zip option from drop down menu.
- Once the download is complete you will be able to access my project locally. Here is my repository link:
Open index.html
Deploy website using GitHub Pages. url for online version of portfolio url :
👤 John Adibe
GitHub: @John Adibe)
LinkedIn: John Adibe)
👤 Manar ALomari
GitHub: @ManarOmari)
LinkedIn: Manar Alomari)
👤 Masouma Modarresi
GitHub: @Masouma864)
LinkedIn: Masouma Modarresi)
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is MIT licensed.