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Seismic Unix has programs for performing many of the operations of geophysical signal processing. It is possible to use it to manipulate and create your own seismograms, and also to convert them between the SU standard file and the industry standard SEG Y. Here you can find a list of the programs that the SU package has, with a brief description and a link to its help page.
Some of the most common tasks that that the researcher or processor has to perform is the conversion of one data type into another. Many operations are simply the conversion of ascii to binary and vice versa, but others involve specialized seismic data types (SEG-B, SEG-D, and SEGY-Y) to other forms. The internal format of the SU package is derived from the SEGY type.
The following codes are for the conversion and manipulation of binary or ASCII data.
- float2ibm convert native binary floats to IBM tape floats
- ibm2float convert IBM tape floats to native binary floats
- ftnstrip convert a file of binary data plus record delimiters created via Fortran to a file containing only binary values (as created via C)
- ftnunstrip convert C binary floats to Fortran style floats
- h2b convert 8 bit hexidecimal floats to binary
- recast recast data type, i.e., convert from one data type to another
- resamp Resample the 1st dimension of a 2-dimensional function f(x1,x2)
- unisam Uniformly sample a 1-D function y(x) specified as (x,y)-pairs
- unisam2 Uniformly sample a 2-D function f(x1,x2)
- subset Select a subset of the samples from a 3-dimensional dataset
- xy2z Convert (x,y)-pairs to spike z-values on a uniform grid
- z2xyz Convert binary floats representing z-values to ASCII form in (x,y,z)-ordered triples
- regrid3 Rewrite a ni,3 ni,2 ni,1 grid to a no,3 no,2 no,1 3-D grid
- farith Perform simple arithmetic with binary files
- transp Transpose an n1 n2 element matrix
It is not uncommon for there to be issues of transporting data from high byte (big endian) to low byte (little endian) platforms.
- swapbytes Swap the bytes of various data types
- entropy of a binary data set
- entropy compute the ENTROPY of a signal
- cpftrend generate picks of the Cumulate Probability Function
- pdfhistogram generate a HISTOGRAM of the Probability Density function
- Multiresolution analysis by Wavelet transform
- mrafxzwt Multi-Resolution Analysis of a function F(X,Z) by Wavelet Transform
- Stiffnesses to Velocites and Thomsen Paramters
- stiff2vel Transforms 2D elastic stiffnesses to (vp,vs,epsilon,delta)
- vel2stiff Transforms VELocities, densities, and Thomsen or Sayers parameters to elastic STIFFnesses
- hti2stiff convert HTI parameters alpha, beta, d(V), e(V), gamma into stiffness tensor
- Thom2hti 'Convert Thompson parameters V_p0, V_s0, eps, gamma, to the HTI parameters alpha, beta, epsilon(V), delta(V), gamma
- thom2stiff Convert Thompson parameters V_p0, V_s0, eps, gamma, to the HTI parameters alpha, beta, epsilon(V), delta(V), gamma
- Simple profile with a lens
- makevel MAKE a VELocity function v(x,y,z)
- unif2 generate a 2-D UNIFormly sampled velocity profile from a layered model. In each layer, velocity is a linear function of position.
- unif2aniso generate a 2-D UNIFormly sampled profile of elastic constants from a layered model.
- Add a random Velocity layer (RVL)
- randvel3d Add a random velocity layer (RVL) to a gridded v(x,y,z) velocity model
- cellauto Two-dimensional CELLular AUTOmata
- Fast concatenation of files
- fcat fast cat with 1 read per file
- Add noise and shifts
- suaddnoise add noise to traces
- sujitter Add random time shifts to seismic traces
- suaddstatics ADD random STATICS on seismic data
- suvibro Generates a Vibroseis sweep (linear, linear-segment, dB per octave, dB per hertz, T-power)
- suwaveform generate a seismic wavelet
- sudgwaveform make Gaussian derivative waveform in SU format
- Blank Traces
- sunull create null (all zeroes) traces
- Linear events
- suplane create common offset data file with up to 3 planes
- Linear and hyperbolic moveout events
- suaddevent add a linear or hyperbolic moveout event to seismic data
- Spike events
- suplane create common offset data file with up to 3 planes
- Spike events with non-hyperbolic moveouts
- sunhmospike generates SPIKE test data set with a choice of several Non-Hyperbolic MOveouts
- Random Spike events
- surandspike make a small data set of RANDom SPIKEs
- Goupillaud -- full impulse response
- sugoupillaud calculate 1D impulse response of non-absorbing Goupillaud medium
- Primaries Only
- sugoupillaudpo calculate Primaries-Only impulse response of a lossless GOUPILLAUD medium for plane waves at normal incidence
- First Order, One Dimensional, Acoustic
- sufdmod1 Finite difference modelling (1-D 1rst order) for the acoustic wave equation
- sufdmod2 Finite-Difference MODeling (2nd order) for acoustic wave equation
- Impulse 2D by the Born Modeling Formula
- suimp2d generate shot records for a line scatterer embedded in three dimensions using the Born integral equation
- Impulse 3D
- suimp3d generate inplane shot records for a point scatterer embedded in three dimensions using the Born integral equation
The most commonly used data exchange format is the SEG-Y (SEGY) data format. Tools for reading and writing SEGY data allow the user to convert data in this format to the SU format. Some data that are advertised as being "SEG-Y" are not that format at all, but may require careful choice of parameters to read into the SU format.
- SEGY to type SU
- segyread read an SEG-Y tape
- SU to SEGY
- segywrite write an SEG-Y tape
- Header tools associated with segyread and segywrite
- segyhdrs make SEG-Y ascii and binary headers for segywrite
- segyclean zero out unassigned portion of header
- bhedtopar convert a Binary tape HEaDer file to PAR file format
- setbhed SET the fields in a SEGY Binary tape HEaDer file, as would be produced by segyread and segyhdrs
- segyhdrmod replace the text header on a SEGY file
- Byte swapping (headers)
- swapbhed SWAP the BYTES in a SEGY Binary tape HEaDer file
- Byte swapping (SU data)
- suswapbytes SWAP the BYTES in SU data to convert data from big endian to little endian byte order, and vice versa
- SU to ascii
- suascii print non zero header values and data in various formats
If you have switched to using the SUXDR format but have SU files in the old format then this tool lest you convert files in the old format to the new format.
- Old SU to new SU XDR format
- suoldtonew convert existing su data to xdr format
The SEG-D and SEG-B formats are common acquisition formats for seismic data.
- SEG D to SU
- segdread read an SEG-D tape
- SEG B to SU
- segbread read an SEG-B tape (untested, possibly needs fixing)
- Sensors and Software X.DT1 to SU (ground penetrating radar)
- dt1tosu Convert ground-penetrating radar data in the Sensors & Software X.dt1 GPR format to SU format.
The SU data format is based on the SEGY header field structure. The fields of the trace headers, called "header words" in SU are identified by "key words".
- View the header words and header types
- sukeyword guide to SU keywords in segy.h
- Set Header Words
- suaddhead put headers on bare traces and set the tracl and ns fields
- sushw Set one or more Header Words using trace number, mod and integer divide to compute the header word values or input the header word values from a file
- sulhead Load information from an ascii column file into HEADERS
- Compute and set specific header fields
- suabshw Replace header key word by its absolute value
- suahw Assign Header Word using another header word
- suazimuth Compute trace AZIMUTH given the sx,sy,gx,gy header fields and set a user-specified header field to this value
- suchw Change Header Word using one or two header word fields
- sucliphead Clip header values
- suhtmath do unary arithmetic operation on segy traces with headers values
- sulcthw Linear Coordinate Transformation of Header Words
- surandhw set header word to random variable
- susehw Set the value the Header Word denoting trace number within an Ensemble defined by the value of another header word
- Remove and restore (cut and paste) trace headers
- sustrip remove the SEGY headers from the traces
- supaste paste existing SU headers on existing binary data
- View header Word Values and trace count
- sugethw Sugethw writes the values of the selected key words
- sucountkey COUNT the number of unique values for a given KEYword.
- sukeycount sukeycount writes a count of a selected key
- sudumptrace print selected header values and data. Print first num traces. Use SUWIND to skip traces.
- surange get max and min values for non-zero header entries
- sutrcount SU program to count the TRaces in infile
- View and edit header word values
- suedit examine segy diskfiles and edit headers
- sutab print non zero header values and data for non-graphic terminals
- suxedit examine segy diskfiles and edit headers (X windows graphics)
- UTM projection of latitude and longitude
- suutm UTM projection of longitude and latitude in SU trace headers
- Binning
- sucdpbin Compute CDP bin number
- Header value charts (stacking and shooting)
An important part of seismic data processing is producing ensembles, also known as gathers. These gathers are produced by first sorting the data into ensembles sharing the same identifying keyword.
- Sort data by header field
- susort sort on any segy header keywords
- Modeling to view sorting geometry
- susorty make a small 2-D common shot off-end data set in which the data show geometry values to help visualize data sorting
- suwind window traces by key word
- suwindpoly WINDow data to extract traces on or within a respective POLYgonal line or POLYgon with coordinates specified by header keyword values
- susplit Split traces into different output files by keyword value
- Arithmetic and other simple operations on traces
- suop do unary arithmetic operation on segys
- Flip
- suflip flip a data set in various ways
- Permute
- supermute permute or transpose a 3d datacube
- Reciprocal summing of traces within a file
- surecip sum opposing offsets in prepared data
- recip sum opposing (reciprocal) offsets in cdp sorted data
- Arithmetic and other simple operation between traces in two files
- suop2 do a binary operation on two data sets
- sucmp CoMPare two seismic data sets, returns 0 to the shell if the same and 1 if different
- sudiff,susum,suprod,suquo difference, sum, product, quotient of two SU data sets via suop2
- maxdiff find absolute maximum difference in two segy data sets
- Divergence correction V(t) model
- sudivcor Divergence (spreading) correction
- sudipdivcor Dip-dependent Divergence (spreading) correction
- Gaining, normalization
- suagc perform agc on SU data
- sugain apply various types of gain
- sunormalize Trace balancing by rms, max, or median
- supgc Programmed Gain Control--apply agc like function but the same function to all traces preserving relative amplitudes spatially.
- suweight weight traces by header parameter, such as offset
- unglitch clip outliers in data
- NaN removal
- sunan remove NaNs & Infs from the input stream
- Zeroing
- suswapbytes Swap the bytes in SU data to convert data from big endian to little endian byte order, and vice versa
- Traditional instantaneous amplitude, phase frequency, and more
- suattributes instantaneous trace ATTRIBUTES
- suenv Instantaneous amplitude, frequency, and phase via: suattributes
- Maximum (minimum) values
- sumax get trace by trace local/global maxima, minima, or absolute maximum
- Mean Values
- sumean get the mean values of data traces
- Histogram
- suhistogram create histogram of input amplitudes
- Quantile
- suquantile display some quantiles or ranks of a data set
- Autocorrelation
- suacor auto-correlation
- suacorfrac general FRACtional Auto-CORrelation/convolution
- Cross correlation
- suxcor correlation with user-supplied filter
- Convolution
- suconv convolution with user-supplied filter
- Refraction Convolution Section (RCS) Dereck Palmer's refraction process
- surefcon Convolution of user-supplied Forward and Reverse refraction shots using XY trace offset in reverse shot
- Deconvolution by complex division
- sucddecon DECONvolution with user-supplied filter by straightforward Complex Division in the frequency domain
- Wiener filtering
- supef Wiener predictive error filtering
- suphidecon PHase Inversion Deconvolution
- FX decon
- sufxdecon random noise attenuation by FX-DECONvolution
- sushape Wiener shaping filter
- Forward and Inverse Log Streatch
- sulog time axis log-stretch of seismic traces
- suilog time axis inverse log-stretch of seismic traces
- sutsq time axis time-squared stretch of seismic traces
- sureduce convert traces to display in reduced time
- Trace interpolation
- suinterp interpolate traces using automatic event picking
- suinterpfowler interpolate output image from constant velocity panels built by SUTIFOWLER or CVS
- Smaller Offset Extrapolation
- suocext smaller Offset EXTrapolation via Offset Continuation method for common-offset gathers
- Trace mixing
- sumix compute weighted moving average (trace MIX) on a panel of seismic data
- sumixgathers mix two gathers
- Resampling
- suresamp Resample in time
- sucentsamp CENTRoid SAMPle seismic traces
- Tapering
- sutaper Taper the edge traces of a data panel to zero
- sutxtaper Taper in (X,T) the edges of a data panel to zero
- suramp Linearly taper the start and/or end of traces to zero
- Bandpass (polygonal)
- suband Trapezoid-like Sin squared tapered Bandpass filter via SUFILTER
- Bandpass (Butterworth)
- subfilt apply Butterworth bandpass filter
- High Pass, Low Pass, Band Pass
- sufilter applies a zero-phase, sine-squared tapered filter
- Time varying bandpass
- sutvband time-variant bandpass filter (sine-squared taper)
- Fractional derivatives and integrals (in time) of seismic traces
- sufrac take general (fractional) time derivative or integral of data, plus a phase shift. Input is TIME DOMAIN data
- Dip (slope) Filter
- sudipfilt DIP--or better--SLOPE Filter in f-k domain
- K1-K2 filter (rectangular)
- suk1k2filter symmetric box-like K-domain filter defined by the cartesian product of two sin^2-tapered polygonal filters defined in k1 and k2
- Circular
- sukfilter radially symmetric K-domain, sin^2-tapered, polygonal filter
- Fractional 2D derivatives
- sukfrac apply FRACtional powers of i|k| to data, with phase shift
- Median
- sumedian MEDIAN filter about a user-defined polygonal curve with the distance along the curve specified by key header word
- Muting
- sumute mute above (or below) a user-defined polygonal curve with the distance along the curve specified by key header word
- sunmo NMO for an arbitrary velocity function of time and CDP
- sustack stack adjacent traces having the same key header word
- supws Phase stack or phase-weighted stack (PWS) of adjacent traces having the same key header word
- sudmofk DMO via F-K domain (log-stretch) method for common-offset gathers
- sudmofkcw converted-wave DMO via F-K domain (log-stretch) method for common-offset gathers
- sudmotx DMO via T-X domain (Kirchhoff) method for common-offset gathers
- sudmovz DMO for V(Z) media for common-offset gathers
- sudmotivz DMO for Transeversely Isotropic V(Z) media for common-offset gathers
- sutihaledmo TI Hale Dip MoveOut (based on Hale's PhD thesis)
- sustolt Stolt migration for stacked data or common-offset gathers
- Gazdag with Q
- sugazmig SU version of Jeno GAZDAG's phase-shift migration for zero-offset data, with attenuation Q.
- Phase shift with turning rays
- sumigps MIGration by Phase Shift with turning rays
- PSPI migration
- sumigpspi Gazdag's phase-shift plus interpolation depth migration for zero-offset data, which can handle the lateral velocity variation.
- Split Step
- sumigsplit Spit-Step Migration
- Finite Difference
- sumigfd 45-90 degree Finite difference depth migration for zero-offset data.
- Fourier Finite Difference
- sumigffd Fourier finite difference depth migration for zero-offset data. This method is a hybrid migration which combines the advantages of phase shift and finite difference migrations.
- Gaussian Beam
- sumiggbzo MIGration via Gaussian Beams of Zero-Offset SU data
- T-K domain
- sumigtk MIGration via T-K domain method for common-midpoint stacked data
- sumiggbzo
- sumiggbzoan MIGration via Gaussian beams ANisotropic media (P-wave)
- sumigpsti MIGration by Phase Shift for TI media with turning rays
- sumigprefd The 2-D prestack common-shot 45-90 degree finite-difference depth migration.
- sumigpreffd The 2-D prestack common-shot Fourier finite-difference depth migration.
- sumigpreffd The 2-D PREstack commom-shot Phase-Shift-Plus interpolation depth MIGration.
- sumigpresp The 2-D prestack common-shot split-step Fourier migration
- sutifowler VTI constant velocity prestack time migration velocity analysis via Fowler's method
- Depth
- sukdmig2d Kirchhoff Depth Migration of 2D poststack/prestack data
- Time
- suktmig2d prestack time migration of a common-offset section with the double-square root (DSR) operator
- Computes amplitude, phase, real part, or imaginary part from complex data
- suamp output amp, phase, real or imag trace from domain data
- sufft fft real time traces to complex frequency traces
- suifft fft complex frequency traces to real time traces
- suspecfx Fourier SPECtrum (T -> F) of traces
- suspecfk F-K Fourier SPECtrum of data set
- suspecfx Fourier SPECtrum (T -> F) of traces
- suspeck1k2 2D (K1,K2) Fourier SPECtrum of (x1,x2) data set
- Hilbert transform
- suhilb Hilbert transform
- Radon
- suradon compute forward or reverse Radon transform or remove multiples by using the parabolic Radon transform to estimate multiples and subtract
- sutaup forward and inverse T-X and F-K global slant stacks
- suharlan signal-noise separation by the invertible linear transformation method of Harlan
- Gabor
- sugabor Outputs a time-frequency representation of seismic data via the Gabor transform-like multifilter analysis technique
- Gabor
- sugabor Outputs a time-frequency representation of seismic data via the Gabor transform-like multifilter analysis technique
- Phase velocity dispersion
- suphasevel Multi-mode PHASE VELocity dispersion map computed from shot record(s)
- Polarization analysis
- supolar POLarization analysis of three-component data
- Polarization filters
- supofilt POlarization FILTer for three-component data
- sueipofi Eigenimage (SVD) based POlarization Filter for three-component data
- Rotation
- suhrot Horizontal ROTation of three-component data
- grm Generalized Reciprocal refraction analysis for a single layer
- surefcon Convolution of user-supplied Forward and Reverse refraction shots using XY trace offset in reverse shot
- suplane create simple set of seismic events
- suimp2d create a 2D line scatter model
- susynlv create synthetic for V = V0 + K*z medium
- susynvxz create synthetic for V(X,Z) media
- Parameter extraction from well logs by Backus averaging
- subackus calculate Thomsen anisotropy parameters from well log <math>(V_p,V_s,\rho)</math> data via BACKUS averaging
- subackush calculate Thomsen anisotropy parameters from well log <math>(V_p,V_s,\rho)</math> data and optionally include intrinsic VTI shale layers based on gamma ray log via BACKUS averaging
- sulprime find appropriate Backus average length for a given log suite, frequency, and purpose
- suwellrf convert WELL log depth, velocity, density data into a uniformly sampled normal incidence Reflectivity Function of time
- suaddstatics ADD random STATICS on seismic data
- surandstat Add RANDom time shifts STATIC errors to seismic traces
- suresstat Surface consistent source and receiver statics calculation
- sustatic Elevation static corrections, apply corrections from headers or from a source and receiver statics file
- sustaticrrs Elevation STATIC corrections, apply corrections from headers or from a source and receiver statics file, includes application of Residual Refraction Statics'
- Discrete Cosine Transform
- Packing
- supack1 Pack segy trace data into chars
- suunpack1 Unpack segy trace data from chars to floats
- supack2 Pack segy trace data into 2 byte shorts
- suunpack2 Unpack segy trace data from shorts to floats
- Wavelet Transform-based
- wpc1comp2 Compress a 2D seismic section trace-by-trace using Wavelet Packets
- wpc1uncomp2 Uncompress a 2D seismic section, which has been compressed using Wavelet Packets
- wpccompress Compress a 2D section using Wavelet Packets
- wpcuncompress Uncompress a 2D section
- wptcomp Compression by Wavelet Packet Compression
- wptuncomp Uncompress WPT compressed data
- wtcomp Compression by Wavelet Transform
- wtuncomp Uncompression of WT compressed data