The focus of this app is to practice using the Full Stack we have learnt, (and new technology [react native]) in a large scale app.
The idea of the app is to create a "stargazing - astronomical" style app for people to visit and check WEATHER (with visibility), LOOKOUT recommendations (x and y coordinates), what constellations they can see in Wellington.
- React Native
- Redux
- API's
- Using Sensors in React Native
- Database Knex
- Express
- JWT Auth (Local)
- Postman
- React
As a user I want to be able to .. Observe the weather and the visibility for the city/country I am in.
As a user I want to be able to .. Find all of the best Lookout points to view stars and planets around Wellington, using cordinates and querying a Google Maps API.
As a user I want to be able to .. Learn more about certain planets and constellations and get some info on when they might be seen
As a user I want to be able to .. Observe which planets and constellations I can see from Wellington on a specific night
As a user I want to be able to .. Use augmented reality with the constellations to see image of them through camera
As a user I want to be able to .. Depending on time of day for user, show light or dark background
As a user I want to be able to .. Depending on time of day and weather for user, show different background in weather view
components | purpose |
Landing | View of opening page with logo |
NightGuideLogo | Night guide logo svg |
InstructionContainer | Holds the Menu and Welcome instructions |
WelcomeInstruction | View with welcome message on first open of app |
MenuInstruction | View with menu instructions (use of app) on first open on app |
Home | View to contain initial page with nav bar buttons |
NavBar | View for navigation buttons |
Weather | View to see weather in your area for stargazing |
ConstellationList | Shows a list of common constellations |
ConstellationDetails | Shows more info on specific constellation |
PlanetList | Shows list of planets in solar system |
PlanetDetails | Shows more info on specific planet |
LookoutList | Shows specific lookouts in your area and on a map |
LookoutDetails | Shows more details on the specific lookout |
name | purpose |
Weather query API | Search for your local weather |
hardcode Lookout Points API | Search for local Lookout Points |
Hardcode constellations API | Search for constellations in your area |
hardcode planet API | Search for planets that you can see in your area |
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Create your app with heroku create [name]
You can check that this was successful by running heroku apps
to view a list of your apps
Add postgresql (hobby dev) to your app at[APP NAME HERE]/resources
Check that pg has been added by running heroku addons
to ensure the postgresql db is on your app
I have created several npm scripts that will be useful for deploying your app to heroku easily.
To push your local master branch to your heroku app:
yarn h:deploy
- or -
npm run h:deploy
Run heroku migrations:
yarn h:migrate
- or -
npm run h:migrate
Run heroku seeds:
yarn h:seed
- or -
npm run h:seed
If ever you need to rollback, you can also:
yarn h:rollback
- or -
npm run h:rollback