Collections of models for everyone!
We believe that -
- are by default "plain old objects" and should remain that way until we explicitly ask more of them
- have relationships to other models
- may be observable, dirtyable, and other useful features if and only if desired
- must be serializable without needing to clean up their pollution first
- are by default just groups of models
- should be loosely coupled to the logic that generates them, whether from local or remote data
- should be designed for performance as the default, but allow functionality to be added explicitly
- should be serializable, convertible, and cloneable
- may be sortable, indexed, filtered, and paginated
- Exist between models and other models
- ...of which one such relationship is a Collection
- Exist between models and their collections
- Exist between collections and other collections
- should not have opinions on models it contains
- should explicitly extend and decorate with required functionality, and prefer to do so lazily where possible