Releases: Jictyvoo/Odontoradiosis
Releases · Jictyvoo/Odontoradiosis
Complete refactor to typescript - Fix bugs in curves management
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v3.0.0
- 📂 🚧 refactor(angular): Move project from VueJS to Angular
- 🔧 🚧 Make project compile
- 🏡 style: Aplly prettier code format on projects files
- 📂 refactor: Rename filenames to match js convention
- 💀 🔧 fix: Make possible to compile dependency projects
- ⛺ Remove comments from tsconfig.json
- ✨ Update configs
- ⛔ Update .gitignore
- 📦 🎨 dependency: Add Angular Material as dependency
- 🔧 Add fonts and components to app-component
- 🍜 📱 Update sidebar.component - Use AngularMaterial
- 🚢 📱 enhancements: Refactor toolbar
- ✨ 🎨 enhancement: Fix app color theme
- 🐛 fix: Rename navbar button handler to (click)
- 🔧 🚧 Make sidebar fit 100% height of the screen
- 🔧 🐮 enhancement: Add CephalometricCanvasComponent to App
- 🗻 enhancement: Replace name on toolbar by image
- 📝 ❓ design: Update help-page html+css
- ⛵ 🔧 enhancement: Open Sidebar from Toolbar
- ♻️ cleanup: Improve in footer size
- 🐓 wip: Adapt canvas service to init after CanvasComponent loaded
- 🎨 enhancement: Make main footer more consistent on center
- 🍋 Bind events for select items on sidebar
- 🎐 enhancement: Add effects binds for all sliders
- 🔧 enhancement: Update sidebar sliders when undone clicked
- 🏮 feature: Refactor mouse up and down events to stack-canvas
- 📦 Add build-projects command to package.json
- 📁 refactor: rename attributes in ILandmark to lowercase
- 📂 Add localStorage to tracingController
- 📂 refactor: Remove forEach functions and replace by standard for
- 🐛 fix: Prevent save landmark when no landmark is selected
- 📦 Upgrade Angular version to 13
- 📂 refactor: Move project main logic to 'domain' folder
- 🎨 enhancement: Expands and centralize stack-canvas on screen
- 🔧 enhancement: Initialize sidebar with default values
- 📂 refactor: Move models/interfaces.ts to util/interfaces folder
- 🐛 fix: Prevent marking landmark when a curve is selected
- 🚧 😵 feature: Enable mousemove bind in canvas
- 📦 🔧 feat: Add 'dev' command in package.json
- 🍨 enhancement: Init CanvasImpl using given canvas refs
- 🔧 🐛 fix: Tracing Curves not being loaded before image is load
- 🚧 ☁️ feat: Add file dragNDrop directive
- 🎨 🚧 enhancement: Improve dropzone component html+scss
- 📻 🚧 enhancement: Add dropzone as a dialog
- ✨ ☁️ feature: Upload and load image file to the system
- 📠 🔧 enhancement: Complete image file loader
- 🔧 🐛 fix: Show open dragNDrop dialog when canvas unloaded
- ✨ ✅ fix: Load a new image after canvas already loaded
- 🔧 enhancement: Change absolute imports to relative
- 🔧 ✨ enhancement: Improvements in CanvasImpl wrapper
- 🚲 enhancement: Use a enum to select a canvas layer
- 🔧 enhancement: Load previous workstation from localStorage
- 🍩 enhancements: Detach footer into a component
- 📁 refactor: Move anatomicalTracing interfaces to file 'curveManipulat…'
- 🚧 enhancement: Refactor 'anatomicalTracingCurve' to be a class
- 📁 ⛔ refactor: Remove 'allCurves' attribute from anatomicalTracingImpl
- 📂 refactor: Move landmarks interfaces to 'landmarkManipulation.ts'
- 🔧 ☁️ feature: Create 'exportCephalometricData' method to export saved…
- 💾 🐛 fix: Stop saving bezier curves every time it's rendered
- 💾 ☁️ feature: Download file containing ceph-data
- 🗿 feature: Start the semiautomaticMark for registered landmarks
- 💨 📦 Add .zip generation to data exporter
- 🎱 📮 enhancement: Open and load .zip files on dropzone
- 🐛 🔧 fix: Keep curve in center while rotating or resizing it
- 💀 🔧 fix: Error on average function when calculating semiautomatic lan…
- 🚀 enhancement: Make possible to select all curves to translate and re…
- 🔑 refactor: Replace storage key from strings to enum
- 🐛 fix: Error on importing exported zip for the first time
- 🐭 📁 refactor: Load all from storage when image opened
- 🐓 📁 refactor: Rewrite semiautomatic routine executor
- 📝 📁 refactor: Rename landmark routines attribute name
- 🐛 fix: Verify mouse on curve box always check all curves
- 🚧 🏮 feature: Add 2 new landmarks routines
- 💺 📁 refactor: Provide to routine executor only requested curves
- 🐌 🚧 feature: Add more landmark routines as json files
- 🐛 fix: Error on saving landmarks and bezier_curves
- ✅ 🐌 feat: Add last 3 missing landmarks
Laravel - Join minified JS
Laravel server with possibility to join all minified javascript files
What's Changed
- Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 by @dependabot in #1
- Bump js-yaml from 3.12.0 to 3.14.0 by @dependabot in #8
- Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 by @dependabot in #7
- Bump elliptic from 6.4.1 to 6.5.3 by @dependabot in #5
- Bump acorn from 4.0.13 to 6.4.1 by @dependabot in #4
- Bump jquery from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 by @dependabot in #3
- Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.19 by @dependabot in #2
- Bump axios from 0.18.0 to 0.18.1 by @dependabot in #6
- 🌱 JS marking system complete refactor by @Jictyvoo in #9
- Bump symfony/http-kernel from 4.4.11 to 4.4.13 by @dependabot in #10
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #1
- @Jictyvoo made their first contribution in #9
Full Changelog: