This project implements the explicit MPM algorithm with three material types, which are JELLO, SNOW and WATER in 3D. In addition, under the root directory you can also find Taichi (v0.7.22) 2D explicit MPM implementation for these three material types. Full Demo on Youtube and Demo on Bilibili.
Currently, it's only tested and deployed on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa) with CUDA 11.1. In order to build this project, it is only necessary to run
If you have a hard time building this project, please feel free to submit an issue or contact me through email (You can find me in my contact information on my Github account). I'll try my best to help you with configuration.
The data files in .bego format would be generated under the 'animation' folder which is generated automatically by this application. They can be imported into other 3D software for rendering.
- UPenn CIS563 2020 materials.
- GPU Optimization of Material Point Methods
- MPM Simulation & Voxels Rendering