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a Koa 2 project, in this project you can use typescript to finish your koa server.

The project is clean, just inject some base middleware in this.

You can use the typescript to development your koa project.

If you want to deploy the project, I recommend to use the pm2.

If you just want to run in dev env, I install the ts-node and nodemon in the project, you can use npm run devto make the koa start.



Getting started

// install the pm2 in global

npm install -g pm2

pm2 install typescript

// install node_modules

npm install

// run in the devlopment env

npm run dev

// run in the production env by pm2

npm run prod

// stop the pm2

npm run prod-stop

ES lint

This project use the standrad to lint the typescript file.

If you don't want to use eslint, you can do like this:

// package.json
-- "dev": "nodemon server/index.ts --exec 'npm run lint && ts-node'",

++ "dev": "nodemon server/index.ts",

If you want to change the lint config, you can editor the .eslintrc.js.

Directory Structure

| --- client // the website client file
| --- config // the project global config file
| --- public // the project public static resource file
| --- server // the koa 2 project file
|       |
|       | --- app.ts // main koa server file
|       |
|       | --- config // the koa 2 config file
|       |
|       | --- controllers // the koa 2 controllers file
|       |
|       | --- middlewares // the koa 2 middleware setting file
|       |
|       | --- routes // the koa 2 routes file

install the cors middleware to rsolve the cross-domain when you development your website

You can run the vue project by npm run dev in client file when you finish the vue project init.

But the vue project listening the 8080 port, and koa listen the 3000 port.

Install the koa-cors to rsolve the cross-domain.

npm i @koa/cors@2 -D

Use the middleware in koa

// server/app.ts


import * as cors from '@koa/cors'
const app = new Koa()

module.exports = app

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') app.use(cors())


Now you can use the koa api, when your vue project or angular project is development now.

use with Vue.js

init vue project

first init the vue project in the client file, you can use the vue-cli to init the vue project

  1. install the vue-cli
npm i -g vue-cli
  1. init the project
vue init webpack

if you don't konw how to use vue-cli, you can see here.

  1. install the node package
npm install
  1. run the vue.js
npm run dev
  1. move to the root dir
cd ../

deploy the project in production env

  1. build the vue prject
cd client

npm run build
  1. install the koa-connect-history-api-fallback middleware
npm i koa-connect-history-api-fallback -S
  1. use the middleware in koa and static the vue build file
// server/app.ts


import * as history from 'koa-connect-history-api-fallback'
import * as convert from 'koa-convert'


// router
// import './routes/index'

// koa-connect-history-api-fallback
app.use(require('koa-static')(path.join(__dirname, '../client/dist')))


Now you can get the website in the 3000 port.


  1. the koa-connect-history-api-fallback must after then the koa-router middleware in app.ts.

  2. the example is in this project vue.js branch.

use with angular

init the angular project in client

  1. use the angualr-cli to build the client file
// install the angular cli
npm i -g @angular/cli

// use the cli to create the client
ng new client
  1. run the angular project
ng serve --open

Now the angular project run in 4200 port, you can check the localhost:4200.

deploy the project in productio env

  1. build the angualr project
cd client && npm run build && cd ../
  1. install the koa-connect-history-api-fallback middleware and uesd
npm i koa-connect-history-api-fallback -S

update the server/app.ts file

// server/app.ts


import * as convert from 'koa-convert'
import * as history from 'koa-connect-history-api-fallback'


// router
// import './routes/index'

// koa-connect-history-api-fallback
app.use(require('koa-static')(path.join(__dirname, '../client/dist')))



  1. the koa-connect-history-api-fallback must after then the koa-router middleware in app.ts.

  2. the example is in this project angular.js branch.


Koa 2 application with typescript






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