This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 21, 2021. It is now read-only.
- Fix car model: rendering bug (#222)
- Fix turtlebot model: mising kinect mesh (#221)
- Fix library progeo: "using an incorrect implicit API" bug (#16)
- Fix cmake install: bad permissions halts cpack process (#207)
- New library: EasyIceConfig (#240 #247)
- New Driver: quadrotor2 (gazebo driver)
- New Driver: ardrone_server - ardrone driver with GPS support (#193 #214)
- New models and worlds for gazebo (#230)
- Improved introrob_py (#197)
- Improved introrob_qt: adds fail-recoverable Ice bootstrapping
- Improved flyingKinect: hability to have several instances (#167)
- Improved visualHFSM and added python code generation
- Improved clean_repository script