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day 17 writeup
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Javran committed Feb 10, 2024
1 parent dbf34a1 commit 01cedb8
Showing 1 changed file with 182 additions and 59 deletions.
241 changes: 182 additions & 59 deletions src/Javran/AdventOfCode/Y2023/Day17.hs
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Expand Up @@ -15,42 +15,74 @@ data Day17 deriving (Generic)

type Dims = (Int, Int) -- rows then cols

parseGraph :: [String] -> (Dims, Coord -> Maybe Int)
parseGraph raw = ((rows, cols), getV)
rows = length raw
cols = length (head raw)
bounds = ((0, 0), (rows - 1, cols - 1))
[General notes]
getV coord =
vs VU.! index bounds coord <$ guard (inRange bounds coord)
Nothing fancy, just your usual A* search.
vs :: VU.Vector Int
vs = VU.fromList $ fmap (\v -> ord v - ord '0') $ concat raw
It seems to be the case that input digits do not contain `0`, this means
every step is attached with a cost of at least 1 - this is a nice property
as we can just let heuristic function be the manhattan distance from current position
to target position. In addition, as this heuristic function is underestimating the cost,
we always reach the optimal solution first, if it can be found.
For part 1, we encode constraint in a state (which is the `CSt` type below),
So that we keep track of how many consecutive moves we are allowed to make
by representing this number as a "move budget", when it reaches zero,
one can no longer go in the same direction.
- I'm wondering if this is yet another boring a*-search-with-a-twist-thingy:
For part 2, we can't do the same thing as easy as part 1 - this is because
ultra crusible does not have the flexibility to "stop after one step",
as it goes 4~10 steps all the way, meaning if we were to encode the state same way:
for the 2d plane, a state can be encoded:
+ there might be illegal states (say only moves twice in same direction)
that we need ways to get rid of
(coord, dir moving into it, budget for going straight)
+ we might have too many states in the search to keep track of (because now
we have a budget of 10 consecutive moves to encode)
and each of those states will have a clear "best value" as we conduct the search.
However we can do things slightly differently to resolve this issue,
which is to encode this constraint by state transition
(this is the `nextsOf2` function below):
- A few things find while looking at input data:
We no longer have a "move budget", but instead:
+ no `0` in the input, so we can always use manhattan distance to bottom right
as an overestimation.
+ state transition "jumps" a state 4~10 steps in all directions directly
+ if we text search `1`, `2`, ... and so on in actual input we can see
a pattern that lower values are scattered outside and higher values are around
the center. i'm not sure if this observation would lead us anywhere,
but i feel like this worth taking a note for some reason.
+ previous direction is still recorded. but state transition no longer
attempts to move in the same (or opposite) direction of previous one.
By doing so we also make sure when we reach final coordinate the ultra crusible
is always ready to be stopped.
[An interesting but probably irrelevant observation]
If we text search `1`, `2`, ... and so on in actual input we can see
a pattern that lower values are scattered outside and higher values are around
the center. This gives us a slight hint about the strategy behind how those
inputs are generated: having high values in the center will encourage path
of low cost to "go around" so we don't get a straight permutation of moving
either right or down all the way to target location.

Parses input graph and gets back its dimensions and individual values
(in the form of a safe getter).
parseGraph :: [String] -> (Dims, Coord -> Maybe Int)
parseGraph raw = ((rows, cols), getV)
rows = length raw
cols = length (head raw)
bounds = ((0, 0), (rows - 1, cols - 1))

getV coord =
vs VU.! index bounds coord <$ guard (inRange bounds coord)

vs :: VU.Vector Int
vs = VU.fromList $ fmap (\v -> ord v - ord '0') $ concat raw

Crusible state for the search:
Expand All @@ -73,79 +105,136 @@ parseGraph raw = ((rows, cols), getV)
type CSt = (Coord, Dir, Int)

Part 1 state transitiion. Returns list of next states together with
its corresponding cost.
nextsOf :: (Coord -> Maybe Int) -> CSt -> [(CSt, Int)]
nextsOf getCost (cur, prevDir, budget) = do
d <- allDirs
let next = applyDir d cur
Just cost <- [getCost next]
if d == prevDir
then do
-- it costs budget to go the same direction as previous one
guard $ budget > 0
pure ((next, d, budget - 1), cost)
else do
-- turning directly back is not allowed.
guard $ d /= oppositeDir prevDir
-- it resets budget if we choose to go a different direction.
pure ((next, d, 2), cost)

TODO: p2 notes
We probably need to approach p2 in a slightly different way, because
ultra crusible does not have the flexibility to "stop after one step",
as it goes 4~10 steps all the way.
it is probably easier to take care of this constraint *not* in the state
but in state transition - we no longer have a "move budget" but instead
state transition "jumps" a state 4~10 steps directly - by doing so
we also make sure when we reach final coordinate the ultra crusible
is always ready to be stopped.
Encodes how an ultra crusible moves without changing direction.
Returns coordinates that it is stopped on and the total cost of moving to there.
This serves as a building block for state transition for part 2.

ultraCrusibleMove :: (Coord -> Maybe Int) -> Dir -> Coord -> [(Coord, Int)]
ultraCrusibleMove getCost d p0 = do
Admittedly there are some amount of repetition and imperative style
to this implementation, but I'd argue:
- the action of taking certain steps is imperative in nature
- it's important to lay down these steps explicitly than trying to abstract over it,
as it simply doesn't help with understanding this imperative process.
step :: Coord -> [(Coord, Int)]
step a = do
let a' = applyDir d a
Just c <- [getCost a']
pure (a', c)

This part takes care of moving 4 steps in a direction,
which is mandatory before the ultra crusible can be stopped.
(p1, acc1) <-
( \loop n pNow acc ->
if n > (0 :: Int)
if n > 0
then do
(p', extra) <- step pNow
loop (n - 1) p' (acc + extra)
loop (n - 1 :: Int) p' (acc + extra)
else pure (pNow, acc)
{- Now an extra of 0~6 steps can be taken. -}
( \loop n pNow acc ->
-- stop at any time, otherwise take an extra step.
(pNow, acc)
: ( do
guard $ n > (0 :: Int)
guard $ n > 0
(p', extra) <- step pNow
loop (n - 1) p' (acc + extra)
loop (n - 1 :: Int) p' (acc + extra)
step :: Coord -> [(Coord, Int)]
step a = do
let a' = applyDir d a
Just c <- [getCost a']
pure (a', c)

type CSt2 = (Coord, Dir) -- now just coord and direction of last move

nextsOf2 :: (Coord -> Maybe Int) -> Maybe Dir -> Coord -> [] (CSt2, Int)
Part 2 state transition differs from part 1 in that after take a (non-determinstic) move
in one direction, we are no longer allowed to go in that previous direction
(or opposite of previous direction).
nextsOf2 :: (Coord -> Maybe Int) -> Maybe Dir -> Coord -> [(CSt2, Int)]
nextsOf2 getCost mPrevDir cur = do
d <- allDirs
guard $ maybe True (\d' -> d' /= d && d' /= oppositeDir d) mPrevDir
d <- case mPrevDir of
Nothing -> allDirs
Just prevDir ->
-- not allowed to go straight or backwards, leaving only left and right turns.
[turnLeft prevDir, turnRight prevDir]
(next, cost) <- ultraCrusibleMove getCost d cur
pure ((next, d), cost)

`aStar estToFinal getNexts dists q` searches for the least cost (or heat loss in this problem).
- estToFinal: an estimated cost from current state to final state.
In this problem we simply use manhattan distance from current coordinate to the final one,
as this is an underestimation, we always reach optimal solution when we can find a solution.
- getNexts: state transition function.
- dists: dists[n] is the cost of the cheapest path from start to n currently known.
In Wikipedia article this is referred to as "gScore"
- q: of type `PSQ st (Arg fScore dist)` the priority queue.
+ `st` is the current state, same as keys of `dists`: when we are computing next states given current state,
we "throw away" states that we both (1) have seen before (2) this new expansion does not improve current known cost.
(note that we are not necessarily using the "search" feature of PSQ in a direct way)
+ `fScore` is the current best guess of total cost going from start, via `st`, to final goal state.
+ `dist` is the cost already incurred going from start state to `st`.
If we can ensure that `estToFinal` never returns 0 on a non-goal state (it is the case for this problem),
the goal state is found when `dist == fScore`.
Here note that values are `Arg fScore dist`, meaning only `fScore` is being used to sort out priority,
and `dist` is just an extra piece of information that we attach to current state.
I find it, at least in theory, slightly more efficient than having to keep `fScore` as a dictionary that
has to be updated, passed around, and looked up.
aStar :: forall st. Ord st => (st -> Int) -> (st -> [(st, Int)]) -> M.Map st Int -> PQ.PSQ st (Arg Int Int) -> Int
aStar estToFinal getNexts =
fix \go (dists :: M.Map st Int) q0 -> case PQ.minView q0 of
fix \go dists q0 -> case PQ.minView q0 of
Nothing -> error "queue exhausted"
Just (cur PQ.:-> Arg fScore dist, q1) ->
if fScore == dist
Expand All @@ -155,6 +244,7 @@ aStar estToFinal getNexts =
(next, moveCost) <- getNexts cur
let dist' = dist + moveCost
fScore' = dist' + estToFinal next
-- reject next states that are not improving current known costs.
guard $ maybe True (dist' <) (dists M.!? next)
pure (next, dist', Arg fScore' dist')
q2 = foldr (\(next, _, p) -> PQ.insert next p) q1 nexts
Expand All @@ -164,16 +254,49 @@ aStar estToFinal getNexts =
instance Solution Day17 where
solutionRun _ SolutionContext {getInputS, answerShow} = do
(dims, getV) <- parseGraph . lines <$> getInputS
let (rows, cols) = dims
estToFinal :: Coord -> Int
estToFinal = manhattan (rows - 1, cols - 1)

answerShow $ aStar (estToFinal . (\(p, _, _) -> p)) (nextsOf getV) M.empty (PQ.singleton ((0, 0), D, 3) (Arg (estToFinal (0, 0)) 0))

let initNexts :: [] (CSt2, Int)
initNexts = nextsOf2 getV Nothing (0, 0)
(rows, cols) = dims
start = (0, 0)
goal = (rows - 1, cols - 1)
estToFinal :: Coord -> Int
estToFinal = manhattan goal

Here we enqueue an illegal state as starting point
because a state must have a previous state.
By using `3` as budget, it is allowed to take an extra to compensate
for the fake "previous direction".
We could put it in initial `dists`, I don't feel it's necessary -
it would not be looked up during the search anyway.
answerShow $
aStar @CSt
(estToFinal . (\(p, _, _) -> p))
(nextsOf getV)
(PQ.singleton (start, D, 3) (Arg (estToFinal start) 0))

Here we face a similar problem as part 1:
to construct `CSt2` we need to give it a previous direction.
This time we solve it by taking the initial step outside of search algorithm,
and "feed those back" to kick start it.
initNexts :: [(CSt2, Int)]
initNexts = nextsOf2 getV Nothing start
initQ = PQ.fromList do
(s@(p, _), dist) <- initNexts
pure (s PQ.:-> Arg (dist + estToFinal p) dist)
getNexts2 (p, d) = nextsOf2 getV (Just d) p
answerShow $ aStar (estToFinal . fst) getNexts2 (M.fromList initNexts) initQ

answerShow $
aStar @CSt2
(estToFinal . fst)
(\(p, d) -> nextsOf2 getV (Just d) p)
(M.fromList initNexts)

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