❤️ I am passionate about exploring the intersection of technology and innovation, diving deep into machine learning and AI, and contributing to open-source projects that make a difference.
🌱 I’m currently learning Java, JavaScript, Machine Learning.
All of my projects are available at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jatin-kumar-7b0317268
💬 Ask me about 👀 I’M JATIN KUMAR, INTERESTED IN: MACHINE LEARNING PROJECTS, DEEP LEARNING APPLICATIONS, NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING, OPEN-SOURCE CONTRIBUTIONS. - 🌱 I’m a 2nd-year Computer Science Engineering student. - 🌱 I’ve completed: Python, Data Structures, C++, C.Innovative tech solutions and community-driven projects.
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact I enjoy playing coding games that I've made myself and listening to music!