v0.2.0 (2020-11-22)
Bug Fixes
rualdlib: update tests
rualdlib: add list-env command with tests
rualdlib: missing field in Aliases struct and missing newline in list command
rualdlib: sync write in file
rualdlib: use right path variable
change security action cron job
Continuous Integration
missing ::add-path::
github have deprecated ::add-path::
bump: bump rualdlib to 0.1.1
rualdi: update Cargo.lock
rualdi: update init command to add new commands
rualdi: update rualdlib and add gag to wrap stdout for init tests
rualdi: update base tests
rualdi: update tests for resolve command
rualdi: update tests for remove command
rualdi: update tests for list command
rualdi: update tests for add command
rualdi: add tests for resolve-env command
rualdi: add tests for remove-env command
rualdi: add tests for list-env command
rualdi: add tests for add-env command
rualdi: add new commands
rualdlib: add environment variable support in list command
rualdlib: add environment support
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