This repository supplements arXiv:2009.08875.
We implemented our algorithm in Python3 using the open source finite element library NGSolve for meshing and descretization of the bilinear forms in space and time, MPI through mpi4py for distributed computations, and SciPy for the sparse matrix-vector computations.
- NGsolve (tested with v6.2.2): see install instructions.
- Python pacakges (requirements.txt): mpi4py, numpy, pets4py, psutil, scipy.
A normal, single-threaded, implementation is given in
python3 --J_time=3 --J_space=6 --problem=square
The parallel MPI implementation, used for the numerical results in the paper, is given in
mpirun -np 2 python3 --J_time=3 --J_space=6 --problem=square
The tests can be run using pytest.
mpirun -np 2 pytest
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.