Hello, and welcome to my first project - Northcoders-News-API!
This project is a RESTful API designed to provide access to a database containing news articles, topics, user information, and comments. It includes features for interacting with the data, such as adding new comments and upvoting or downvoting articles. Comprehensive error handling has been implemented to ensure robust functionality. The development process was driven by TDD and integrated testing, ensuring reliability and precision in all features. Detailed examples of request methods for each endpoint are documented in the endpoints.json file.
Check out my hosted API: https://northcoders-news-api-7cgk.onrender.com/api (Please allow up to 1 minute of loading time!) Try adding these endpoints to the end of the url:
(this will show all articles in reverse chronological order)/api/topics
(all topics)/api/articles/1
(this will show the article with an id of 1)
All endpoints can be found in the original link: https://northcoders-news-api-7cgk.onrender.com/api Happy reading!!!
You can do this here: Node.js and PostgreSQL. Note you will need at least Node 10.9.1 and
Use git clone in your terminal to access this repo locally. Then, run npm install to install the following dependencies: Express, pg, pg-format, and dotenv. supertest and jest, along with jest-sorted and jest-extended which are necessary for integrated testing.
To connect to the dev and test databases please add .ev.test and .env.development files to the root of the repo. In each file please add PGDATABASE=nc_news_test
and PGDATABASE=nc_news
respectively to be able to run this project locally.
To setup the test and devlopment databases run the command npm run setup-dbs. To seed the databases run npm seed.
View tests in tests for both app.js and utilts. To run tests run the command run npm run test
To run the server use npm run start
Please feel free to give feedback via LinkedIn here. This portfolio project was created as part of a Digital Skills Bootcamp in Software Engineering provided by Northcoders