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Be sure to Edit replacing [package-name] every with project name
To install this into your project for modifications Clone or Download the code from Git Hub into the Asset Folder of your project. Change the Folder From GraphView Behavior Tree to mach what you wold like. Edit all Files and change the NameSpace to match your new Folder Name. Do Not forget to change this in the UXML Documents as well. i.e "GraphViewBehaviorTree.Editor.SplitView" Delete the Runtime/james.lafritz.GraphViewBehaviorTree and Editor/james.lafritz.GraphViewBehaviorTree.Editor Assembly Definition Files, Or Edit/Replace them with your own.
To use Template as is Use the Package manager to Install package from Git Hub. see Creating custom packages for use in Unity
- In Unity open the package manager
- Install this Package from git url
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.