Welcome to my Advent of Code 2020 solutions repository. Advent of Code is an advent calendar of small programming puzzles, which get progressively more challenging as we approach December 25th. This repository contains my solutions to these puzzles.
- Day 1 - Large array addition to target number
- Day 2 - Valid password entry
- Day 3 - Map traversal
- Day 4 - Passport data processing
- Day 5 - Reducing arrays
- Day 6 - Data form processing
- Day 7 - Recursive calculations
- Day 8 - Interpreting low level code
- Day 9 - Exploiting cypher weakness (In Progress)
All files are designed to run in terminal as per the file structure shown in this repository.
jack@laptop: java AccountingDecrypt.java
jack@laptop: python3 MachineCodeProcessing.py
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.