Copyright (C) FROSHIT Inc. - All Rights Reserved
Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited.
Proprietary and confidential.
Written by Sami Junior Kahil [email protected].
This is the FROSHIT monolith repo. Contains the backend, frontend, and mobile application.
- Next.js – Web framework
- React Native - Mobile Framework
- Supabase – Database
- Prisma – ORM
- Typescript – Programming Language
- Vercel – Hosting
In one terminal, start Supabase (make sure Docker is started):
npm run supabase:start
This will start an empty database instance with no tables or data based on your .env
To add our models to the database instance, use Prisma
npm run prisma:db-push
This will generate the tables and associations. Open http://localhost:54323/project/default/editor to see the results.
To seed the database, again use Prisma
npm run prisma:seed
You should now see testing data in the database.
To clear the Supabase instance (i.e delete all data and drop all tables), run
npm run supabase:reset
Inbucket URL http://localhost:54324
supabase functions serve onboard-university --env-file ./supabase/.env.local
supabase functions serve onboard-froshee --env-file ./supabase/.env.local --no-verify-jwt
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:54321/functions/v1/onboard-froshee
stripe trigger checkout.session.completed
Start another terminal and run
npm run next:dev
It will be running on http://localhost:3000
Automatic deployment when you push to main
branch. Make sure you verify the build before deploying!
npm run next:build
Will open the app in Expo Go, so you can debug on the downloaded Expo Go app on your phone or on a simulator.
expo start
To invite a user, run eas device:create
eas build --profile preview --platform all
npx expo prebuild -p ios && xed ios