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**** Disclaimer ****

This is work in progress and will evolve as IOTA core tools develop and ENSURESEC project requirements update

Setup the Integration Service Tools

1. Copy .env file

This section must be done for local development start or when starting via docker.

Copy the ./api/.env-example and rename it to ./api/.env It contains predefined variables and some with secret values starting with < and ending with > like for instance:

Define for the following variables a private value:


!! For now leave the SERVER_IDENTITY blank or remove the complete line. !!

The config should like following: (But please don't use the following values for username, password and secret in your env config.) The server secret is used to encrypt for instance the private key of the server identity but also to sign JWTs so it should be secure.

Important: The SERVER_SECRET has to have a length of 32 characters!!

DATABASE_URL=mongodb://root:[email protected]:27017

Make sure you use the same username and password for the DATABASE_URL as in MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME & MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD.

If you run the api through docker you need to set the ip of the machine the database is running on if you use npm run start you can use as host!

2. Local Development

For local development it makes sense to only use docker for the database and use nodejs to run the api.

1. Run MongoDB

1.1 Change the directory to the /api folder und use the following command: docker-compose up -d mongodb_container only the mongodb will be started using docker.

1.2. Check the docker container Use docker ps to check whether the container is running. It should output something like:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                      NAMES
eceaab9343eb   mongo:latest   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 seconds ago   Up 7 seconds>27017/tcp   api_mongodb_1

You can connect to the api via clients like MongoDB Compass by using the defined connection url of the database like for instance mongodb://root:[email protected]:27017!

2. Run the API

2.1. Make sure you are in the /api folder and use the following commands:

npm install
npm run start

If it was the first time the api is started, no SERVER_IDENTITY is defined since it was left blank previously. The api should log a newly generated identity id which needs to be used as server identity as following:

Successfully connected to mongodb
Create identity...
== Store this identity in the as ENV var: did:iota:BfGtLdthmzrUdgYptrZgnC4amXZBZ2C2xQMVM7Bb1cZs ==
Add server id as trusted root...
Generate key collection...
Set server identity as verified...
Setup Done!
Please store the generated server identity as environment variable.
Like: SERVER_IDENTITY=did:iota:BfGtLdthmzrUdgYptrZgnC4amXZBZ2C2xQMVM7Bb1cZs

2.2. Copy the SERVER_IDENTITY into the .env file.

2.3. Run the api again using npm run start

It should log that the api was started like following:

Started API Server on port 3000
Successfully connected to mongodb

3. Run all using Docker

3.1. Start the api

The api can also be run using docker therefor use the following command:

docker-compose up -d

!! Make sure the correct ip for the mongodb is set so the docker instance of the api is able to find the mongodb instance. Normally it should be the ip of the machine instaed of !!

If it was the first time the api is started, no SERVER_IDENTITY is defined since it was left blank previously. The api should log a newly generated identity id which needs to be used as server identity as following:

You can check the logs using: docker logs api_ensuresec_api_1 or using the container id like docker logs <container-id> by replacing <container-id> with the actual id.

Successfully connected to mongodb
Create identity...
== Store this identity in the as ENV var: did:iota:BfGtLdthmzrUdgYptrZgnC4amXZBZ2C2xQMVM7Bb1cZs ==
Add server id as trusted root...
Generate key collection...
Set server identity as verified...
Setup Done!
Please store the generated server identity as environment variable.
Like: SERVER_IDENTITY=did:iota:BfGtLdthmzrUdgYptrZgnC4amXZBZ2C2xQMVM7Bb1cZs

3.2. Copy the SERVER_IDENTITY into the .env file.

3.3. Run the docker again using docker-compose up -d

The docker container should log that the api was started like following:

Started API Server on port 3000
Successfully connected to mongodb

There should be now 2 docker container available check it using: `docker ps``

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                      NAMES
086e1549bdb3   api_ensuresec_api   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   6 seconds ago   Up 5 seconds>3000/tcp     api_ensuresec_api_1
0bd35f3d5fc5   mongo:latest        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 seconds ago   Up 6 seconds>27017/tcp   api_mongodb_container_1

4. API Key

The api supports an optional api-key which can be used to filter requests which do not know about the right key. If the key is not added or is set as an empty string the api-key won't be considered by the api. To force a check for the api-key it can be added by adding the env variable API_KEY to the .env file, like for instance:


In this case all request must have the specified api-key as ?api-key=SAMPLE-API-KEY query parameter like:



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