A JavaScript library for finding start date, end date, month order and month count of current period relative to given start date and period
- monthly
- quarterly
- half-yearly
- annual
npm install --save date-range-in-period
You need to import library first.
import { DateRageInPeriod } from 'date-range-in-period';
const bill_start_date = new Date('03-24-2021');
console.log(DateRageInPeriod(bill_start_date, 'annual'));
start : "Tue Mar 01 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
end : "Tue Feb 28 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
month_order : "7",
month_count : "18"
- start_date - For example Billing Start date
- period - Given period in months eg: annual
- start - Start date of current period/term
- end - End date of current period/term
- month_order - Order of month in current period/term
- month_count - No of months past with respect to current date relative to given start date