Code for Hopf et al (2024) "Ecological success of no-take marine protected areas: using population dynamics theory to inform a global meta-analysis", Ecological Applications.
File descriptions:
- "MPA_MetaAnalysis_StudyData_forPub.xlsx" is the raw data collected from papers, and "Metadata for MPA_MetaAnalysis_StudyData_forPub.docx" is the relevant metadata.
- "Data_Cleaning_v4.Rmd" cleans the raw data, and uses "organism_names_sorted.xlsx"
- "MPA_MetaAnalysis_StudyData_cleaned_v4.Rdata" is the cleaned data.
- "Bayes_analysis_v4.Rmd" analyses the cleaned data, and uses "Gaussian_model_base.stan".
- Toy_model contains the code for the population model. Run using "MA_Toy_model_v2.m" and plot outputs using "Toy_model_plotting_v0.R".