This tool shows you the IVs and information necessary to determine which Pokemon get ground into candy. Perfect for any trainer aspiring to be the very best. This won't get you banned.
So, first of all, you need node.js. I've only tested this on Mac, so if you want to test it on other platforms, be my guest.
Run these commands:
npm install
bower install
node index
Now you should have a webserver running. Make sure your phone and computer are connected to the same wireless network.
Next, check your network settings for your internal ip address. Mine was Since that was my internal ip address, I'm going to visit to accept the certificate.
After accepting the certificate, open Pokemon GO on your phone. After you can see your character walking around, go to localhost:3000 on your laptop. Enjoy.
- Remove Pokemon after they have been transferred
- Make client usable while catching Pokemon
I'd love to hear what feature requests and suggestions you all have, so feel free to shoot me an email.