A decade later and having developed several message driven applications later, I would probably implement a few things quite a bit differently today. I'm no longer maintaining this and merely keep it as a reference implementation for other people to learn about event sourcing and investigate.
JEECQRS aims to provide a suitable set of low-level infrastructure services that are needed in any CQRS implementation. It uses the infrastructure provided by any JEE 6.0 (web-profile or full profile for JMS messaging) compliant container.
It is recommended (but not necessary) to hide these infrastructure services behind suitable Facades in your own application.
Tested containers:
- JBoss AS 7.x
- Wildfly 8.2 (8.1 is not supported due to bugs in WELD)
- Wildfly 9.0 (8.1 is not supported due to bugs in WELD)