This simple script helps convert exported safari passwords to CSV files supported by other popular password managers.
Please refer to the instructions here.
- OTP supported with Bitwarden only as other providers do not appear to support OTPAuth header support for imports.
- 1Password allows importing Safari CSV directly through site. Recommended doing this instead, or use this tool to import as generic CSV instead.
- Remembear not included - as per site, they support exports from LastPass and 1Password. Potentially converting to CSV's supporting these providers may work (untested).
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- Janith Dissanayake - Initial work - JDsnyke.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Ruby by Yukihiro Matsumoto and collaborators.
- Various people and code posted on Stackoverflow.
- Badges by
- Hat tip to anyone else whose code was used.