v0.2.0: Merge pull request #49 from JDAI-CV/support_arbitrarily_channels
- 49bc3e9 Merge pull request #49 from JDAI-CV/support_arbitrarily_channels
- ce6e843 Disable bgemm when weight_mat->c == 1 in armv7
- 934d215 Remove commented code
- 1dd7e80 Merge branch 'master' into support_arbitrarily_channels
- b22d0c7 Add field "align_hwc_to_128", do not align if C==64
- 965dc14 Move flatbuffers to submodule
- 8877654 Fix some Mat constructor calling
- 56f39d3 Revert "Try to update"
- 356e516 Fix the missing () in align_to
- 9879abf Update baseline bconv, it works if gemm is compatible only if weight_mat->h * weight_mat->w * weight_mat->c % 2 == 0
See more
- c08695a Merge pull request #48 from JDAI-CV/fix_windows_onnx2bnn_ci
- 858318e stash
- f8ecb67 stash
- e065c8c Try to update
- f01976a Copy the missing onnx2bnn.exe
- e4d3cb6 length-aware when c%128 != 0
- 75e6992 Fix wrong col_mat size
- 0cbd770 Revert "Revert the updated bitpack"
- ddf6a6f fused_binarize_im2col works
- 691c67c Fix the bug caused by removing binarize layer
- fdfe987 format
- 976a71c Revert the updated bitpack
- 6c07f55 Update the var names in net_test.cpp
- 9086ffd Drop the support of binarize layer
- 4192ec4 Fix wrong index in converter bitpack
- 1a9da9d Do not add binarize layer
- 2235cfd misc changes
- 26c523a Update data_num
- 74dc074 Improve assertions, remove unused funcs
- e1455b0 Fix undefined binarized_mat
- 2275c2b Upgrade model version to 2, remove the binarize layer
- e29fc8e Add fused_binarize_im2col.h
- 5268538 Separate data size and shape. Add bitpack wrt eff_bits and binarized weight by it
- ef1852e Add data size to mat constructor
This list of changes was auto generated.