When you are building an app to consume a REST service you often need to recreate your model in C# to parse the json received. It's laborious and not really interesting…
That's why we created this JSonParser. It takes a json file as input and create C# classes to represent the model and some parser classes.
For the long term, we would like to add other features like the possibility to jump some nodes.
The library in charge of the parsing. Read the json files and infer C# types and properties name.
It can Output model classes or parser classes.
A console project that takes json input and creates C# classes. You can use following commands :
-i <path_json_file> : Json file input
-o <path_output_folder> : Folder where will be saved C# classes (default json folder)
A simple GUI in WPF to manage your json and output code. Easy to use, not a lot to explain :)
Sometimes, you want more than just a basic class. This T4 project allow customizations of the output. For example, if you want to add a RaisePropertyChanged or some special attributes, you can use this T4 and add your customizations.
Created with love by @mhollebecq && @jcvasselon
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