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Become a better software engineer. Learn algorithms, data structures, architecture and software design from first principles...

To run the web app:


To run the desktop app:



You need to have a PostgreSQL database.

brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql@14
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE ivy_learn;"
psql -d ivy_learn -c "CREATE USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'password';"
psql -d ivy_learn -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH SUPERUSER;"

Environment Variables

export IVY_LEARN_DB_HOST="localhost"
export IVY_LEARN_DB_DATABASE="ivy_learn"
export IVY_LEARN_DB_USER="postgres"
export IVY_LEARN_DB_PORT="5432"
export IVY_LEARN_DB_PASSWORD="password"
export IVY_LEARN_GITHUB_PAT="your_github_personal_access_token"

export IVY_GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="your-client-id"
export IVY_GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="your-client-secret"

To run the sever:


(optional) Drop local database:

psql -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE ivy_learn;"
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE ivy_learn;"

Connect to local database:

psql -U postgres -d ivy_learn

Heroku commands

Connect to DB

heroku pg:psql --app your-app


heroku logs --app your-app --tail