You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
OIDC-Guard contains the following endpoints:
Returns OK or Unauthorized
The /auth endpoint supports configurable parameters in the format of {claim}={value}. In the case the same claim is called more than once, the traffic will have to match only one.
For example, using the following query string
Along with validating the JWT token, the token must have a claim tid=11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111 and one of aud=22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222 or aud=33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333
The /auth endpoint is able to query arrays. We'll use the following JWT token in the example.
"email": "[email protected]",
"groups": ["admin", "developers"],
Using the following query string we can limit this endpoint to only tokens with an admin group
The /auth endpoint supports a custom parameter called "inject-claim". The value is the name of claim which will be added to the response headers.
For example, using the following query string
The /auth response will contain header email=[email protected]
The value should be in the following format, "{claim name},{header name}".
For example, using the following query string
The /auth response will contain header mail=[email protected]
Example Ingress
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: app
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-url: https://oidc-guard.company.com/auth?aud=11111111-11111-1111111111&inject-claim=groups,JWT-Claim-Groups&inject-claim=scope,JWT-Claim-Scope
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-signin: https://oidc-guard.company.com/signin
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-response-headers: JWT-Claim-Groups, JWT-Claim-Scope
The /auth endpoint supports a custom parameter called "inject-json-claim". This parameter allows parsing JSON Claims and extracting values using JSON Path.
For example, assume we have the following JWT token
"aud": "/projects/project_number/apps/my_project_id",
"gcip": '{
"auth_time": 1553219869,
"email": "[email protected]",
"email_verified": true,
"firebase": {
"identities": {
"email": [
"[email protected]"
"saml.myProvider": [
"[email protected]"
"sign_in_attributes": {
"firstname": "John",
"group": "test group",
"role": "admin",
"lastname": "Doe"
"sign_in_provider": "saml.myProvider",
"tenant": "my_tenant_id"
"sub": "gZG0yELPypZElTmAT9I55prjHg63"
"email": "securetoken.google.com/my_project_id/my_tenant_id:[email protected]",
"exp": 1553220470,
"iat": 1553219870,
"iss": "https://cloud.google.com/iap",
"sub": "securetoken.google.com/my_project_id/my_tenant_id:gZG0yELPypZElTmAT9I55prjHg63"
We can extract the role into a custom header by using the following:
The /auth response will contain header role=admin
The /auth endpoint supports custom parameters called "skip-auth" and "skip-auth-ne".
These parameters support the following formats:
- the first part is the HTTP Method, ie GET, POST etc
- the second part is a Regex rule
- regex the path needs to match
For example, the following query string will skip authentication for GETs to the /favicon.ico
For example, the following query string will skip authentication for all METHODS which have /api/ in the path
For example, the following query string will skip authentication for all METHODS which do not have /api/ in the path
Signs-In the using the OIDC flow and saves the claims into a encrypted cookie
"rd" which is the url that the sign in process will redirect the user to
Signs-Out the current user and removes the authentication cookie
"rd" which is the url that the sign out process will redirect the user to
Displays a Dictionary of claims
"aud": "7c9368e5-08df-4d44-8e9f-4e293bc56ceb",
"idp": "https://sts.windows.net/9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad/",
"name": "Ivan J",
"oid": "a6a18c2f-066d-43df-b1ba-ff8bfe5918b1",
"preferred_username": "[email protected]",
"tid": "72740055-b0b0-4c36-8ff7-0811f93a0a3f",
"uti": "UyqzI9UJhEeDOGrxvJY0AA"
Metrics are exposed on :8080/metrics
Metric Name | Description |
oidc_guard_authorized | Number of Authorized operations ongoing |
oidc_guard_unauthorized | Number of Unauthorized operations ongoing |
oidc_guard_signin | Number of Sign-in operations ongoing |
oidc_guard_signout | Number of Sign-out operations ongoing |