Manage your solar space fleet with this project. It is a combination of REST API and Reactive Programming in a multimodule Maven project with Hexagonal Arch, CQRS, Event Sourcing, and Kafka for synchronizing databases. Besides I have used Redis to save relevant information from other components.
- Kafka [9092] + [9093]
- Kafka-UI [8080]
- REST API ms-position with OpenApi Swagger and two separate DB for R/RW actions [8081]
- REST API ms-shipclass with OpenApi Swagger and two separate DB for R/RW actions [8082]
- REST API ms-spacecraft with OpenApi Swagger and two separate DB for R/RW actions [8083]
- REST API ms-crewmember with OpenApi Swagger and two separate DB for R/RW actions [8084]
- REST API ms-oauth2 with OpenApi Swagger working as JWT Token Authorization Server [9000]
graph BT
subgraph KafkaUI
subgraph Kafka
subgraph ms-oauth2
msoauth2{{JWT Authorization Server}}
subgraph ms-position
subgraph ms-position-db["Databases for ms-position"]
direction RL
P1[(Sql Read Db)]
P2[(NoSql Write Db)]
P3[(Redis Backup Db)]
subgraph ms-shipclass
subgraph ms-shipclass-db["Databases for ms-shipclass"]
direction RL
S1[(Sql Read Db)]
S2[(NoSql Write Db)]
S3[(Redis Backup Db)]
subgraph ms-spacecraft
subgraph ms-spacecraft-db["Databases for ms-spacecraft"]
direction RL
SC1[(Sql Read Db)]
SC2[(NoSql Write Db)]
SC3[(Redis Backup Db)]
subgraph ms-crewmember
subgraph ms-crewmember-db["Databases for ms-crewmember"]
direction RL
C1[(Sql Read Db)]
C2[(NoSql Write Db)]
C3[(Redis Backup Db)]
ms-position-db <--> ms-position
ms-shipclass-db <--> ms-shipclass
ms-spacecraft-db <--> ms-spacecraft
ms-crewmember-db <--> ms-crewmember
P1 <-. Synchro .-> P2
S1 <-. Synchro .-> S2
SC1 <-. Synchro .-> SC2
C1 <-. Synchro .-> C2
ms-position <-->|Publish-Subscriber| Kafka
ms-shipclass <-->|Publish-Subscriber| Kafka
ms-spacecraft <-->|Publish-Subscriber| Kafka
ms-crewmember <-->|Publish-Subscriber| Kafka
ms-position <-.->| | ms-oauth2
ms-shipclass <-.->| | ms-oauth2
ms-spacecraft <-.->| | ms-oauth2
ms-crewmember <-.->| | ms-oauth2
KafkaUI <--> | | Kafka
classDef canvas_basic fill:#FFB703,stroke:#333;
classDef ms_basic fill:#8ECAE6,stroke:#333;
classDef db_basic fill:#219EBC,stroke:#333;
classDef redis_basic fill:#238725,stroke:#333
class ms-position-db,ms-shipclass-db,ms-spacecraft-db,ms-crewmember-db canvas_basic
class P1,S1,SC1,C1,P2,S2,SC2,C2 db_basic
class P3,S3,SC3,C3 redis_basic
class P,S,SC,C,Kafka-UI,msoauth2,Kafka-Server ms_basic
class ms-position,ms-shipclass,ms-spacecraft,ms-crewmember,ms-oauth2,Kafka,KafkaUI canvas_basic
First of all clone or download the project.
Inside the main folder, you could find two docker-compose yaml files.
From there use the command line to start the project in dev or production mode
**Generate .jar**
mvn clean package
**Developer mode**
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
**Production mode**
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d
The dev environment is ready for using with your IDE. The microservice attempts to communicate with Kafka using the local host. In production, it uses the archive Dockerfile to build an image of the project, so you wont need the IDE.
- You could stop the project and free resources with any of these orders
**Developer mode**
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down --rmi local -v
**Production mode**
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml down --rmi local -v
First of all, please visit the REST API documentation. Replace ${port} for the suitable microservice port:
Kafka-UI allow you to check your Kafka server using a practical dashboard, so visit the following url:
The initial data load is performed by the kafka-data-init microservice. It uses Kafka to publish events, which the other microservices then use to update their databases.
A good way for checking the JWT generation and validation flow, is to review this article. A key difference in my development is that you can register a user using the same microservice ms-oauth2 at http://localhost:9000/register. Here is an example of the info you need to send:
"email":"[email protected]",
On the other hand, the protected URL that requires JWT is waiting in the rest of microservices at http://localhost:{port}/actuator/metrics
Just me, Iván 😅