(Dependecies like Libs aren't listed)
- Advanced Chimneys
- Advanced Finders
- Apllied Energetics 2
- AE2 Utilities
- AE Additions - ExtraCells2 Fork
- Lazy AE2
- PackagedAuto
- PackagedExCrafting
- BuildCraft
- Additional Pipes
- BuildCraft RF
- CC: Tweaked
- Deep Mod Learning
- Deep Mod Learning - Blood Magic Addon
- Ender Storage
- Ender IO + EnderIO Fluxified
- Base
- Conduits
- Endergy
- Forestry
- TiC
- AE2 Conduits
- Gas Conduits
- Stellar Fluid Conduits
- EnderTanks
- Energy Meters
- Extended Crafting
- Extra Utilities
- Extreme Reactors
- Filtered Hoppers
- Floppers
- Flux Networks
- Forestry
- Binnie's Mods
- Career Bees
- Gendustry
- Galacticraft
- Extra Planets
- Interstellar: Exoplanets
- More Planets
- More Planets Extra
- StarCraftX - Reloaded
- Zellern Galaxy
- Funky Locomotion
- Hopper Ducts
- Immersive Engineering
- Immersive Energy
- Immersive Intelligence
- Immersive IO (Bridge between IE and EnderIO)
- Immersive Petrolium
- Immersive Posts
- Immersive Technology
- Immersive Railroads
- Infinte Pollution Filter
- Mekanism
- Fluxified
- Generators
- Tools
- MekanismOres
- More Plates
- NuclearCraft
- OpenComputers
- Open Lights Controller
- OpenComputers Driver for TiC
- OpenLights
- OpenScreens
- OpenWeaponary
- PneumaticCraft: Repressurized
- Pollutantpump
- Pollution of the Realms
- Portality
- Project Red
- Core
- Compat
- Illumination
- Integration
- RFTools
- RFTools Control
- RFTools Dimensions
- Simply Jetpacks
- Solar Flux Reborn
- Thermal Series
- Fundation
- Expansion
- Cultivation
- Innovation
- Tinkers Construct
- Construct's Armory
- Armory Expansion
- Tinkering with Blood Magic
- Tinker's Complement
- Construct's Armory
- Ultimate Car Mod
- Uppers
- Wireless Redstone CBE
- Botania
- ExtraBotany
- Blood Magic
- Animus
- Blood Arsenal
- Blood Dynamo
- The Twilight Forest
- The Aether
- Additional Lanterns
- ArchitectureCraft
- BiblioCraft
- Blockcraftery
- Catwalks 4
- Chisel
- Chisels & Bits
- Comfots
- Decocraft
- derfl007's Road Mod
- Engineer's Decor
- Ferdinand's Flowers
- Gauges and Switches
- LandOfSignals
- Macaws Series
- Bridges
- Doors
- Fences and Walls
- Furniture
- Roofs
- Trapdoors
- Windows
- MalisisDoors
- Miszko's Polish Trasckside Decor Pack
- Project: Vribrant Journeyys
- Railstuff
- Rustic
- TallGates
- Trackside Decor
- Traffic Control
- Akashic Tome
- AI Improvements
- Aroma1997s Dimensional World
- Animania
- Base
- Cats &Dogs
- Extra Animals
- Farm
- AppleSkin
- Aquaculture 2
- Blur
- Bonsai Trees 3
- Cooking for Blockheads
- copygirl's Wearable Backpack
- Corails Tombstones
- Cyclic
- Dynamic Surroundings
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Farming for Blockheads
- KleeSlabs
- Large Ore Deposits
- MineColonies
- Morph-o-Tool
- Ocean Floor - Clay Sand and Dirt
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go
- OpenBlocks
- OreExcavation
- Ore Excabation Integration
- Pam's Series
- BrewCraft
- HarvestCraft
- Llama Milking
- Simple Strawberries
- Squid Milking
- Serene Seasons
- Serene Tweaks
- Snow! Real Magic!
- Sound Filters
- Storage Drawers
- Storage Drawers Extras
- Streams
- The One Probe
- TOP Addons
- Torchmaster
- Trash Cans
- Tropicraft
- Tumbleweed
- Weather, Storms & Tornadoes
- Anvil Patch
- Clumps
- Controlling
- CraftingTweaks
- CraftTweaker
- Fast Leaf Decay
- FastFurnace
- FastWorkbench
- Inventory Tweaks
- JEI (with as much mod intergration as necessary)
- JustEnoughIds
- ModTweaker
- Morpheus
- MouseTweaks
- No Recipe Book
- ReAuth
- SwingThroughGrass
- TipTheScale
- ToastControl
- Gamestages
- Dimension Stages
- Item Stages
- Recipe Stages
- TinkerStages