A lightweight project I built while learning java:
Below are screenshots of the Media player:
It has a Simple Method to Extract Media Name from the path directory shown in the code.
It's pretty basic and only plays MP4 files
To Use on Windows uncomment the windows block comment on MainClass.java and block comment the Linux block.
/* // On Windows OS
String [] mediaTitleParts = MEDIA_URL.split(":");
String mediaTitleSecondPart = mediaTitleParts [1];
String [] MediaTitlePartsMain = mediaTitleSecondPart.split("\\\\");
MediaClass the Title part which usually the last String after split
// On Linux and Mac
String [] MediaTitlePartsMain = MEDIA_URL.split("/");
//MediaClass the Title part which usually the last String after split
String MediaTitle = MediaTitlePartsMain [MediaTitlePartsMain.length - 1];