The FortiSOAR SOC Simulator connector is used to run Use Case simulations. a Use case simulation (Scenario) has the below design principles:
- A simulation starts with a record (Typically an alert) having the same data the record has when it is created via the ingestion process. This will guarantee all subsequent workflow would work the same regardless whether the source of the record is a simulation or a live environment data
- Optionally, It should be possible to run a simulation in either automated way, so all playbooks will be trigger automatically or a manual way where the user has to use the WebUI to trigger them. To achieve this a simple method below could be used:
- All actual playbooks should be created with a referenced trigger
- Each actual playbook would have two parent playbooks, one with a manual trigger and anotherone automated (onCreate/onUpdate)
- A simulation can use a record attribute (such as: SOURCE TYPE in Alerts) value to decide whether subsequent playbooks will run automatically or not (manually triggered then)
- The simulation should always indicate via the Workspace comments what is the next step to guide users running the simulation in the workflow
- Try to always to leverage existing solution pack to accomplish tasks, if a bug is detected, it can be reported in the issues section of the corresponding solution pack
To configure this connector, open the FortiSOAR SOC Simulator Connector and in its "Configuration > Page" enter the following values for the configuration parameters
Configuration Name: Provide a name for this configuration and you can optionally mark this configuration as the “Default Configuration”.
Import Scenarios: Select this checkbox to import various scenarios.
Load Threat Intelligence: Whenever records are recreated for a scenario, they include known malicious indicators, such as IP addresses, file hash, etc. Selecting this checkbox randomly assigns the malicious indicators to records every time a record is created. Therefore, the records get created with new indicators each time.
Once you have configured the FortiSOAR SOC Simulator connector, sample scenarios get created in Help > Scenario and now, you are all set to start using the content pack and creating demo records.
First you will have to fork git repo Here you will create a folder, aptly named as per your usecase, under 'scenarios' folder.
The folder that you will create should contain two files
This file is scenario record
This file is configuration export for a scenario
Lets discuss process in brief
- Design your scenario of ForiSOAR instance. Here you will create demo records , module , system view changes along with required playbooks. Apart from this , we need to create a 'Scenario Record'. This record will be launch point for scenario. Please check 'Scenario Record' section to see how to a create a Scenario Record.
- You can export secenario by selecting scneario record and execute playbook - Export Scenario
You can export required configuration for a scenario using 'Configuration Export' option listed under 'Application Editor'
- Here you export required module schema along with system view template, playbook collection , connector , users / team ,etc
A scenario record contains Title, Description and steps
There are two ways to create a scenario record steps.
Record which refer playbook to create a scenario demo record
Record which has demo record JSON playload. This method also allows user to add a placeholder for some values which can be replaced dynamically
While creating scenario add following in 'steps' section . Replace values at appropriate location
"Steps": [
"name": "<<Name of Scenario>>",
"type": "executePlaybook", << -- this tells we want to create demo record invoking a playbook and not alert record JSON
"playbookIRI": "/api/3/workflows/<<GUID>>", << -- IRI of playbook
"preCreateMessage": "<<Message you want to display before creation of demo record>>",
"postCreateMessage": "<<Message you want to display after creation of demo record>>",
"waitTimeforNextStep": "<<time in seconds to delay next step>>"
Complete Example
"Steps": [
"name": "Concurrent Successful Authentications",
"type": "executePlaybook",
"playbookIRI": "/api/3/workflows/37603f90-ab2c-42a0-b183-50e92fdd2fd1",
"preCreateMessage": "Creating demo record for Concurrent Successful Authentications",
"postCreateMessage": "",
"waitTimeforNextStep": "5"
Note : Here we cannot set placeholder for a value to replaced dynamically while creation of demo record
While creating scenario add following in 'steps section' . Replace values at appropriate location
"Steps": [
"name": "<<Name of Scenario>>",
"type": "createAlert", << -- this tells we want to create demo record using alert record JSON and not playbook
"alertFields": {
<<<Alert Record JSON>>>
"preCreateMessage": "<<Message you want to display before creation of demo record>>",
"postCreateMessage": "none",
"waitTimeforNextStep": "<<time in seconds to delay next step>>"
Complete Example
"Steps": [
"name": "Repeated Login Failures",
"type": "createAlert",
"alertFields": {
"name": "Repeated Login Failures on",
"type": "Brute Force Attempts",
"state": "/api/3/picklists/a1bac09b-1441-45aa-ad1b-c88744e48e72",
"source": "Syslog",
"status": "Open",
"severity": "low",
"sourceIp": "{TR_MALICIOUS_IP}",
"sourceType": "linux_secure",
"sourcedata": "{\"host\":\"marketing.server.1\",\"rhost\":\"\",\"pid\":\"5654\",\"_confstr\":\"source::/var/log/secure|host::ip-10-1-3-106|linux_secure\",\"date_zone\":\"local\",\"_eventtype_color\":\"\",\"_indextime\":\"1500279602\",\"euid\":\"0\",\"timeendpos\":\"16\",\"date_hour\":\"8\",\"source\":\"/var/log/secure\",\"process\":\"sshd\",\"date_wday\":\"monday\",\"_serial\":\"8\",\"_kv\":\"1\",\"punct\":\"__::_----_[]:_(:):__;_=_=_=_=_=_=...__=\",\"_sourcetype\":\"linux_secure\",\"_raw\":\"Jul 17 08:20:02 sshd[5654]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root\",\"_si\":[\"\",\"main\"],\"securonix_server\":\"\",\"sourcetype\":\"linux_secure\",\"date_month\":\"july\",\"index\":\"main\",\"timestartpos\":\"0\",\"eventtype\":\"\",\"user\":\"root\",\"date_mday\":\"17\",\"linecount\":\"\",\"tty\":\"ssh\",\"event_id\":\"3F3CBAA2-CB55-4976-95EA-3627677F1EE3@@main@@00f9a277c2dce41ac744d522c35f8ccb\",\"uid\":\"0\",\"_time\":\"1500279602\",\"date_minute\":\"20\",\"date_year\":\"2017\",\"date_second\":\"2\"}",
"description": "<p>Suspicious Login Failures on asset marketing.server.1 from </p>",
"targetAsset": "marketing.server.1",
"destinationIp": "",
"killChainPhase": "Reconnaissance",
"destinationPort": "443"
"preCreateMessage": "Create Repeated Login Failure Alert",
"postCreateMessage": "none",
"waitTimeforNextStep": "5"
Here "sourceIp": "{TR_MALICIOUS_IP}" << this is an example set a placeholder where you want to change value of , here, sourceIP dynamically when demo record is created Refer for more details about content pack: