good names are all taken
Simple golang library for retry logic with fluent APIs.
slightly inspired by avast/retry-go
Install/update with go get -u
import ""
//or this, so you can use the functions directly without any qualifier
// since go doesn't have overloading, you'll need to specify the combination of the input and outputs
// 0-8 is supported. If you somehow need more, seek help immediately
i, err := retry.Try1to1(func(in int) (int, error) {
// do something that might error out
return in * 2, nil
retry.Fibonacci(). // use the fibonacci sequence as the delay function for retries
WithJitter(500 * time.Millisecond), // with a +-500ms jitter
ForTimes(10). // try for 10 times before giving up
Run(2) // run with input 2
For the most part, autocomplete will guide you through the API without needing to consult any documentation or sourcecode.
Or I'm just lazy to finish this part.
Check timing.go.