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Merge pull request #567 from IntersectMBO/regression-test-deserializa…
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Regression test for issue with deserialization of PoolDistr
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palas authored Jul 1, 2024
2 parents dfaf1e9 + 2c2b428 commit af84845
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Showing 3 changed files with 120 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions cardano-api/cardano-api.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -311,25 +311,35 @@ test-suite cardano-api-test
, cardano-api
, cardano-api:gen
, cardano-api:internal
, cardano-binary
, cardano-crypto
, cardano-crypto-class ^>= 2.1.2
, cardano-crypto-test ^>= 1.5
, cardano-crypto-tests ^>= 2.1
, cardano-ledger-api ^>= 1.9
, cardano-ledger-binary
, cardano-ledger-core:{cardano-ledger-core, testlib} >= 1.8
, cardano-protocol-tpraos
, cardano-slotting
, containers
, directory
, hedgehog >= 1.1
, hedgehog-extras
, hedgehog-quickcheck
, interpolatedstring-perl6
, mtl
, ouroboros-consensus
, ouroboros-consensus-cardano
, ouroboros-consensus-protocol
, ouroboros-network-api
, QuickCheck
, tasty
, tasty-hedgehog
, tasty-quickcheck
, time

other-modules: Test.Cardano.Api.Crypto
Expand Down
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions cardano-api/test/cardano-api-test/Test/Cardano/Api/EpochLeadership.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Test.Cardano.Api.EpochLeadership
( tests
) where

import Cardano.Api (Key (verificationKeyHash), deterministicSigningKey,
import Cardano.Api.Block (EpochNo (..), Hash (StakePoolKeyHash), SlotNo (..))
import Cardano.Api.Eon.ShelleyBasedEra (ShelleyBasedEra (..))
import Cardano.Api.Genesis (shelleyGenesisDefaults)
import Cardano.Api.GenesisParameters (EpochSize (..))
import Cardano.Api.Ledger (KeyHash (..), StandardCrypto, toCBOR)
import Cardano.Api.LedgerState (currentEpochEligibleLeadershipSlots)
import Cardano.Api.Modes (ConsensusProtocol)
import Cardano.Api.Query (ProtocolState (..),
SerialisedPoolDistribution (SerialisedPoolDistribution))
import Cardano.Api.Shelley (Hash (VrfKeyHash), VrfKey, proxyToAsType, unStakePoolKeyHash)

import Cardano.Binary (ToCBOR, serialize)
import Cardano.Crypto.Seed (mkSeedFromBytes)
import Cardano.Ledger.Api.PParams (emptyPParams)
import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes (Nonce (..), WithOrigin (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Binary.Encoding (toByronCBOR)
import qualified Cardano.Protocol.TPraos.API as API
import Cardano.Slotting.EpochInfo (EpochInfo (..))
import Cardano.Slotting.Time (RelativeTime (..), mkSlotLength)
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.Abstract as Consensus
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.TPraos (TPraosState (..))
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger.Query.Types (IndividualPoolStake (..),
PoolDistr (..))
import Ouroboros.Network.Block (Serialised (..))

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time.Clock (secondsToNominalDiffTime)

import qualified Hedgehog as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras as H
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog (testProperty)

-- The list of all tests
tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "Epoch Leadership"
[ test_currentEpochEligibleLeadershipSlots

test_currentEpochEligibleLeadershipSlots :: TestTree
test_currentEpochEligibleLeadershipSlots =
testProperty "currentEpochEligibleLeadershipSlots happy path" $
H.propertyOnce $ do
let sbe = ShelleyBasedEraShelley
sGen = shelleyGenesisDefaults
eInfo = EpochInfo { epochInfoSize_ = const (Right (EpochSize 100))
, epochInfoFirst_ = \(EpochNo x) -> pure $ SlotNo (x * 100)
, epochInfoEpoch_ = \(SlotNo x) -> pure $ EpochNo (x `div` 100)
, epochInfoSlotToRelativeTime_ = \(SlotNo x) -> pure $ RelativeTime (secondsToNominalDiffTime (fromIntegral x * 60))
, epochInfoSlotLength_ = const (pure $ mkSlotLength 100)
pp = emptyPParams
chainDepState = TPraosState Origin (API.initialChainDepState NeutralNonce Map.empty)
ptclState = encodeProtocolState chainDepState
poolid = StakePoolKeyHash { unStakePoolKeyHash = KeyHash "83c5da842d7437e411d3c4db8aaa7a7d2c1642aee932108c9857282d" }
vrskey1 = deterministicSigningKey (proxyToAsType (Proxy :: Proxy VrfKey)) (mkSeedFromBytes "V5UlALekTHL9bIbe3Yb0Kk4T49gn9smf")
VrfKeyHash hash1 = verificationKeyHash $ getVerificationKey vrskey1
vrskey2 = deterministicSigningKey (proxyToAsType (Proxy :: Proxy VrfKey)) (mkSeedFromBytes "OLjPbWC6JCjSwO4lqUms0EgkinoLoIhz")
VrfKeyHash hash2 = verificationKeyHash $ getVerificationKey vrskey2
vrskey3 = deterministicSigningKey (proxyToAsType (Proxy :: Proxy VrfKey)) (mkSeedFromBytes "eF0R2dENRrHM8iyb9q7puTw4y2l8e2z4")
VrfKeyHash hash3 = verificationKeyHash $ getVerificationKey vrskey3
poolDistr :: PoolDistr StandardCrypto = PoolDistr $
Map.fromList [ ( KeyHash "a2927c1e43974b036d8e6838d410279266946e8a094895cfc748c91d"
, IndividualPoolStake { individualPoolStake = 1 % 3
, individualPoolStakeVrf = hash1
, ( KeyHash "83c5da842d7437e411d3c4db8aaa7a7d2c1642aee932108c9857282d"
, IndividualPoolStake { individualPoolStake = 1 % 3
, individualPoolStakeVrf = hash2
, ( KeyHash "362c2c2128ee75ca39690c27b42e809301231098003443669e2b03f3"
, IndividualPoolStake { individualPoolStake = 1 % 3
, individualPoolStakeVrf = hash3
serPoolDistr = SerialisedPoolDistribution (Serialised (serialize (toByronCBOR poolDistr)))
currentEpoch = EpochNo 4
eEligibleSlots = currentEpochEligibleLeadershipSlots sbe sGen eInfo pp ptclState poolid vrskey1 serPoolDistr currentEpoch
expectedEligibleSlots = [ SlotNo 406, SlotNo 432, SlotNo 437, SlotNo 443, SlotNo 484 ]
eligibleSlots <- H.evalEither eEligibleSlots
eligibleSlots H.=== Set.fromList expectedEligibleSlots
:: ToCBOR (Consensus.ChainDepState (ConsensusProtocol era))
=> Consensus.ChainDepState (ConsensusProtocol era)
-> ProtocolState era
encodeProtocolState cds = ProtocolState (Serialised pbs)
where pbs = serialize (toCBOR cds)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cardano-api/test/cardano-api-test/cardano-api-test.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import System.IO (BufferMode (LineBuffering), hSetBuffering, hSetEncod
import qualified Test.Gen.Cardano.Api.Byron

import qualified Test.Cardano.Api.Crypto
import qualified Test.Cardano.Api.EpochLeadership
import qualified Test.Cardano.Api.Eras
import qualified Test.Cardano.Api.IO
import qualified Test.Cardano.Api.Json
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ tests =
testGroup "Cardano.Api"
[ Test.Gen.Cardano.Api.Byron.tests
, Test.Cardano.Api.Crypto.tests
, Test.Cardano.Api.EpochLeadership.tests
, Test.Cardano.Api.Eras.tests
, Test.Cardano.Api.IO.tests
, Test.Cardano.Api.Json.tests
Expand Down

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