This repository contains some examples of scripts using the REST interface to the "DNSSEC Portfolio Checker" from SIDN Labs. This free service from SIDN Labs lets you easily check the DNSSEC status of a large number of domains.
A web interface where you can upload a CSV file of domain names is available at:
That page also contains the list of status messages and also information about the REST interface. To use the REST interface, you simply query:<domainname>
as in:
If you have access to the '''curl''' command, you could issue a command such as:
The results in either case (web browser or curl) look like:,"",secure,""
where the third filed is either '''secure''', '''insecure''' or '''bogus''' (failed validation).
The programs found in this repository are simple examples of how you could use the interface. They were written purely because I wanted to experiment with the API from SIDN Labs and thought I would share my examples.
More examples are welcome if you would like to contribute additional ways to use it or code in other languages.
These examples are licensed under a permissive MIT-style license. Feel free to use them in any way you wish. (See the LICENSE file for the full text.)
The "Portfolio Checker" itself is a program written in GO and available from SIDN Labs at:
Thanks to SIDN Labs for making this service available for free to the public.
Have fun!
- Dan York, Internet Society, [email protected]