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ROS Commands CheatSheet

Renee edited this page May 9, 2017 · 9 revisions

Testing Hardware & Sensors

Kobuki Base

roslaunch kobuki_node minimal.launch --screen


roslaunch turtlebot2i_bringup phantomx_pincher_arm.launch

RealSense SR300

roslaunch realsense_camera sr300_nodelet_rgbd.launch

RealSense ZR300

roslaunch realsense_camera zr300_nodelet_rgdb.launch

Astra Camera

roslaunch astra_launch astra.launch

TurtleBot 2i Bringup & Demo Launch

To bring up the base, arm and sensors only:

roslaunch turtlebot2i_bringup turtlebot2i_basic.launch

To bring up the full robot with mapping, arm director, moveit and zone detection:

roslaunch turtlebot2i_bringup turtlebot2i_demo1.launch

Launch file parameters:

  • none - Mapping will resume using last ~/.ros/rtabmap.db
  • new_rtabmap:=true *Delete rtabmap.db on start
  • localization:=true *Use rtabmap for localization (existing map)
  • rviz:=true *Load RViz with launch (local/NUC)
  • rtabmapviz:=true *Load RTAB-Map GUI with launch

Launch Examples:

To start a new map:

roslaunch turtlebot2i_bringup turtlebot2i_demo1.launch new_rtabmap:=true

To resume mapping:

roslaunch turtlebot2i_bringup turtlebot2i_demo1.launch

To use existing map for localization purposes only:

roslaunch turtlebot2i_bringup turtlebot2i_demo1.launch localization:=true

Once zone markers have been identified you can publish a zone destination request:

rostopic pub /zone_destination_request std_msgs/String "charging_zone"

rostopic pub /zone_destination_request std_msgs/String "pickup_zone"

rostopic pub /zone_destination_request std_msgs/String "sorting_zone"

To start auto docking near a base station run this launch file:

roslaunch kobuki_auto_docking activate.launch

To start the block sorting demo at a docking station:

roslaunch turtlebot2i_block_manipulation block_sorting_demo.launch at_dock:=true

To start the block sorting demo (green on the right, others on the left) (sorting into bins expected to be about 77mm in height):

roslaunch turtlebot2i_block_manipulation block_sorting_demo.launch

Pincher Arm MoveIt! Demo

roslaunch turtlebot2i_bringup turtlebot2i_basic.launch

roslaunch turtlebot2i_moveit_config turtlebot_moveit.launch sim:=false

Arm Block/2cm Object Sorting & Interactive Manipulation

  • Blocks found in center view can be sorted by color (green/not-green)
  • Blocks can be clicked and moved in RViz and will be repositioned by the robot

Bring up robot with arm and moveit:

roslaunch turtlebot2i_bringup turtlebot2i_demo1.launch new_rtabmap:=true

Start block detection, interactive manipulation and pickandplace action servers:

roslaunch turtlebot2i_block_manipulation block_sorting_demo.launch at_dock:=true/false auto_sort:=false/true

Arm Tool Detection and Marker Handling (WIP)

Note: Expects Expo dry erase marker in 3D printed holder to be in view. Works well on dry erase board with low friction

Bring up robot with arm and moveit:

roslaunch turtlebot2i_bringup turtlebot2i_demo1.launch new_rtabmap:=true

Start tool detection and pick and draw action servers:

roslaunch turtlebot2i_marker_manipulation marker_demo.launch

Turtlebot2i arm director (action server)

  • The turtlebot2i_arm_director uses the MoveIt! planning interface to position the arm. This is a simple action server example that moves the arm to a named pose typically found in the SRDF

roslaunch turtlebot2i_arm_director demo.launch

rostopic pub /named_pose_director/goal turtlebot_arm_pose_director/NamedPoseDirectorActionGoal '{goal: { named_pose: "pose_parked"}}'

rostopic pub /named_pose_director/goal turtlebot_arm_pose_director/NamedPoseDirectorActionGoal '{goal: { named_pose: "pose_grasping"}}'

Gazebo Simulation

roslaunch turtlebot2i_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch

  • Arm Joint Controllers

roslaunch turtlebot2i_control turtlebot2i_control.launch

  • Manually Command Arm

rostopic pub -1 /turtlebot/arm_shoulder_pan_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 0.4"

rostopic pub -1 /turtlebot/arm_elbow_flex_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 1.4"

Robot monitoring and operations management:


menu [Perspectives] / [Import...] and import /rqt_perspectives/NewTest.perspective


Pincher Arm Stationary MoveIt! Demo

  • (unsupported WIP, stationary config)

roslaunch phantomx_pincher_arm_bringup arm.launch

roslaunch phantomx_pincher_arm_moveit_config phantomx_pincher_arm_moveit.launch sim:=false

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