- Terraform v0.12.0 or higher
- Go v1.12 or higher
- Configure git to use SSH instead of HTTPS
- Allow Go to use private repo packages from Bitbucket
- Build the project
- Create location in terraform directory for plugin
- Symlink executable
# 1. Use SSH instead of HTTPS
git config --global url."[email protected]:".insteadOf "https://bitbucket.org/"
# 2. Use private repo
export GOPRIVATE=bitbucket.org
# 3. Build
go build -o ~/go/bin/terraform-provider-uptime
# 4. Create destination for executable
mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/integral.com.au/local/uptime/1.0.1/darwin_amd64/
# 5. symlink executable to destination
ln -s ~/go/bin/terraform-provider-uptime \
For Linux machines, follow the OS X process, replacing darwin
with linux
For a Windows machine, in PowerShell:
New-Item %APPDATA%\terraform.d\plugins\windows_amd64 -Type 'directory' -Force
cmd /c mklink /d $env:GOPATH\bin\terraform-provider-uptime %APPDATA%\terraform.d\plugins\windows_amd64\terraform-provider-uptime
terraform-provider-uptime was originally created by Kyle Gentle, with support from Elias Laham and the Dev Team at Uptime.com.