LaTeX document class for seminar papers, proposals, bachelor's theses, and master's theses written at the Institute for Web Science and Technologies
The document class "WeSTthesis.cls" is based on "cgBA.cls" which was provided by the Research Group Mueller. It is oriented at the style guides provided by the examination board of the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Koblenz-Landau. The document class provides a cover page template, a statement on source usage and publication, and some basic text formatting. The file example.tex contains a template for creating documents using this document class.
The following command is used to include the document class in the .tex document.
The following options are supported:
- Prints an english title page and statementf|m|fm
- gender used in the title: female, male, or both (required)seminar|proposal|bachelor|master
- seminar paper, proposal, bachelor's thesis, or master's thesis (required)scrreprt
- use the scrreprt documentclass (optional, default: article class)group
- prints two statements after the cover page (optional, default: one statement)date
- prints the exact date (optional, default: month and year)times|palatino
- used font (optional, default: Computer Modern)twoside
- layout for two-sided print (optional, default: one-sided)binding
- adds 8mm on the left/right side for binding (optional, default: no binding)frames
- prints additional frames to check the document layout (optional, default: no frames)nogermanabstract
- At University of Koblenz-Landau, this option is only allowed for M.Sc. Web Science students. Only prints the english abstract.
If the option twoside
is used, blank pages are inserted after the cover page and its following statement(s).
The following commands are used to format the cover page. They are used before \begin{document}
\title{thesis title}
\author{author(s) name(s)}
\degreecourse{degree course}
\firstreviewer{Name of the first reviewer (incl. academic title)}
\firstreviewerinfo{institute/research group}
\secondreviewer{Name of the second reviewer (incl. academic title)}
\secondreveiwerinfo{insititute/research group or external institution}
The following commands declare the abstract texts.
\englishabstract{English abstract text.}
\germanabstract{German abstract text.}
The following commands are used after the \begin{document}
\maketitle % prints the cover page and a statement about used sources and publication
For an example see example.tex. The output should look like example.pdf.
You can add the WeSTthesis folder to ~/texmf/tex/latex/
to make WeSTthesis globally available on Linux systems.