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Back-office services for Public-Enemy REST API for communication with:

Global project concept

Public-Enemy Backoffice (& frontend) is a tool used to test questionnaires with data. Questionnaire designer create questionnaire in pogues but can't test them with predefined data directly. Public-Enemy gives to the designer the ability to inject a questionnaire in orchestrators (stromae, queen soon), and add predefined survey units data in the orchestrators for this questionnaire.

Public-Enemy's global functionalities for a designer:

  • create a questionnaire in public-enemy
    • retrieve the questionnaire from pogues
    • create the questionnaire in public-enemy
    • inject the questionnaire and survey units data (given by the designer when creating questionnaire in public-enemy) in the orchestrators
  • update a questionnaire in public-enemy
    • synchronise the questionnaire with the orchestrators (when pogues questionnaire has been edited for example, or to change survey units data)
  • delete a questionnaire in public-enemy
    • delete questionnaire in orchestrators
  • access to questionnaire in orchestrators
    • designer can access to a questionnaire in orchestrators for a specific survey unit
    • designer can reset a specific survey unit data


For building and running the application you need:

Install and excute unit tests

Use the maven clean and maven install

mvn clean install

Running the application locally

Use the Spring Boot Maven plugin like so:

mvn spring-boot:run

Deploy application on Tomcat server

1. Package the application

Use the [Spring Boot Maven plugin] ( like so:

mvn clean package

The jar will be generate in /target repository

2. Launch

java -jar public-enemy-api-XXX.jar

Properties to edit

Create an application profile file (application-dev.yml for example, don't forget to add profile when using spring-boot:run) and override necessary properties from application.yaml

  # public-enemy db
    url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/public-enemy-db
    username: public-enemy
    password: public-enemyPassword
    hikari.maximumPoolSize: 2
  # where logs are stored
    path: /var/log
  # if you need proxy
    enable: true
    port: 80
  # allowed origin: url of your public-enemy frontend
    allowed-origins: http://localhost:3000
  # pogues backoffice url
  # eno ws url
  # queen backoffice for stromae

3. Application Access

To access the swagger-ui, use this url : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html


A Dockerfile is present on this root project to deploy a container. You can get docker images on docker hub

Helm chart repository is available for the public-enemy backoffice/frontend

The repository contains helm charts to deploy pogues/eno/stromae too.


Liquibase is enabled by default and run changelogs if needed.

Generate diff changelog between twos databases

#Don't forget to edit configuration properties in pom.xml for this
mvn liquibase:diff

Before you commit

Before committing code please ensure,
1 - is updated
2 - A successful build is run and all tests are successful
3 - All newly implemented APIs are documented
4 - All newly added properties are documented

End-Points in /api

  • Modes

    • GET /modes : get the insee questionnaire modes
  • Contexts

    • GET /contexts : get the insee questionnaire contexts
  • Questionnaires

    • POST /questionnaires/{questionnaireId} : update an existing questionnaire and synchronize it with orchestrators
    • POST /questionnaires/add : create a new questionnaire and inject it to orchestrators (with survey units external data as csv file)
    • GET /questionnaires : get list of questionnaires
    • GET /questionnaires/{poguesId}/db : get questionnaire from pogues questionnaire id
    • GET /questionnaires/{id} : get questionnaire
    • GET /questionnaires/{id}/data : get survey units data (as csv file)
    • GET /questionnaires/pogues/{poguesId} : get questionnaire informations coming from pogues
    • DELETE /questionnaires/{id}/delete : delete a questionnaire
  • Survey Units

    • PUT /survey-units/{surveyUnitId}/reset : reset collected data from a survey unit (keep external data)
    • POST /questionnaires/{poguesId}/checkdata : check csv data file against variables definition from a questionnaire
    • GET /questionnaires/{questionnaireId}/modes/{modeName}/survey-units : get survey units for a questionnaire
    • GET /questionnaires/{poguesId}/csv : get CSV schema from a questionnaire variables definitions

Libraries used

  • spring-boot-jpa
  • spring-boot-security
  • spring-boot-web
  • spring-boot-tomcat
  • spring-boot-test
  • postgresql
  • junit
  • springdoc
  • spring-boot-actuator
  • liquibase


Please check LICENSE file