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Shanoir Downloader

Shanoir downloader enables to download datasets, check that the downloaded DICOM content is correct, anonymize, archive and encrypt them.

See python --help for usage information.

The scripts and enable to convert dicoms to niftis and create png previews of the nifti files.


It is advised to install the project in python virtual environment relying either on venv or preferably (mini)conda

Installation with pip

Install python with pip ; then use pip install . to install python dependencies.

Optionally, rename the .env.example to .env and set the variables (shanoir_password, gpg_recipient) to your needs.

See the "Installing DicomAnonymizer" section if you want to use DicomAnonymizer for the dicom anonymization instead of PyDicom.

Installation with conda


This installation method is required if is used

In an active conda virtual environment type

#use pip packages as dependencies
# install missing conda packages (far simpler than using pip)
conda install -c conda-forge -c SimpleITK brotli bids-validator certifi charset-normalizer dicom-anonymizer idna importlib-metadata 'numpy<2.0' pandas py7zr pybcj pycryptodomex pyppmd pytz pydicom python-dotenv python-dateutil  requests six texttable tqdm typing_extensions urllib3 zipp pydicom dicom2nifti Pillow  heudiconv git-annex=*=alldep* datalad


How to download Shanoir datasets ?

There are three scripts to download datasets from a Shanoir instance: downloads datasets from a id, a list of ids, or directly from a shanoir search as on the shanoir solr search page, a more complete tool ; it enables to download datasets (from a csv or excel file containing a list of dataset ids, or directly from a shanoir search as on the shanoir solr search page), verify their content, anonymize them and / or encrypt them. Download datasets from Shanoir in DICOM format and convert them into datalad datasets in BIDS format. The conversion is parameterised by a configuration file in .json format.

  • creates two files in the output folder:
    • downloaded_datasets.csv records the successfully downloaded datasets,
    • missing_datasets.csv records the datasets which could not be downloaded.

With those two files, is able to resume a download session (the downloading can be interrupted any time, the tool will not redownload datasets which have already been downloaded).

Note that when downloading from a search text, the tool will only take the 50 first datasets by default (since --page is 0 and --size is 50 by default). Provide the arguments --page and --size to download the search results that you want (you can set --size to a big number if you want to download all search results).

Note that the timeout is 4 minutes by default (an timout error is thrown when the download takes more than 4 minutes or the server does not answer within 4 minutes). Use the --timeout argument to increase (or decrease) this duration (useful for big datasets).

Note that the --expert_mode argument enables to create a advanced search (for a specific subject or study with the format subjectName:JohnDoe AND studyName:Study01). Without the expert mode, shanoir will return all datasets containing one of the term in one of their field. See section Search usage below for more information.

See python --help for more information.

You might want to skip the anonymization process and the encryption process with the --skip_anonymization and --skip_encryption arguments respectively (or -sa and -se).

A .json configuration file must be provided to transform a Shanoir dataset into a BIDS dataset.

-----------------------------[.json configuration file information]-------------------------------
This file will tell the script what Shanoir datasets should be downloaded and how the data will be organised.
The dictionary in the json file must have four keys :

"study_name"  : str, the Shanoir study ID
"subjects"    : list of str, a list of Shanoir subjects
"data_to_bids": list of dict, each dictionary specifies datasets to download and BIDS format with the following keys :
    -> "datasetName": str, Shanoir name for the sequence to search
    -> "bidsDir"    : str, BIDS subdirectory sequence name (eg : "anat", "func" or "dwi", ...)

    -> "bidsName"   : str, BIDS sequence name (eg: "t1w", "acq-b0_dir-AP", ...)

Please refer to the BIDS starter kit for exhaustive templates of filenames. A BIDS compatible example is provided in the file s2b_example_config.json.

To download longitudinal data, a key session and a new entry bidsSession in data_to_bids dictionaries should be defined in the JSON configuration files. Of note, only one session can be downloaded at once. Then, the key session is just a string, not a list as for subjects.

Download Examples

Raw download

To download datasets, verify the content of them, anonymize them and / or encrypt them you can use a command like:

python -u username -d -ids path/to/datasets_to_download.csv -of path/to/output/folder/ -se -lf path/to/downloads.log

The example_input_check.csv file in this repository is an example input file (the format of the datasets_to_download.csv file should be the same).

Solr search download

You can also download datasets from a SolR search as on the website:

python -u amasson -d -of /data/amasson/test/shanoir_test4 --search_text "FLAIR" -p 1 -s 2

where --search_text is the string you would use on the SolR search page (for example (subjectName:(CT* OR demo*) AND studyName:etude test) OR datasetName:*flair*). More information on the info box of the SolR search page.

BIDS download

python -j s2b_example_config.json -of my_download_dir --outformat nifti will download Shanoir datasets identified in the configuration file saves them as DICOM and convert them into a BIDS datalad dataset into my_download_dir.

About Solr Search

The --search_text and --expert_mode arguments work as on the Shanoir search page.

Without expert mode, shanoir will return all datasets containing one of the search term in one of their field.

With expert mode, shanoir will perform a Solr search enabling to retrieve specific datasets.

For example, the query (subjectName:(CT* OR demo*) AND studyName:etude test) OR datasetName:*flair* will return all datasets in the study "etude test" with a subject name that either starts with "CT" or starts with "demo", and any dataset which contain "flair" in its name.

Case is insentitive for values.

You can exclude terms with - ., for exemple (*:* -datasetName:*localizer* AND -datasetName:*scout*) will return all existing datasets except those which have "localizer" or "scout" in their name.

The present field names are : studyName, datasetName, subjectName, datasetName, datasetStartDate, datasetEndDate, examinationComment, datasetType, datasetNature, sliceThickness, pixelBandwidth, magneticFieldStrength, tags

For further information, see the Solr official documentation.

Password management

By default, shanoir_downloader will ask for the shanoir password. You can also set the shanoir_password environment variable to avoid entering your password every time. You can either use the .env file or run export shanoir_password=XXX (set shanoir_password=XXX on Windows) before executing the scripts.

Installing DicomAnonymizer

(Deprecated, now using pydicom)

To anonymize the dicoms, download or clone the latest version of DicomAnonymizer (for example in this repository) and install it :

  • install wheel with pip install wheel
  • in the dicom-anonymizer folder, package the source files with python ./ bdist_wheel
  • install dicom-anonymizer with pip install ./dist/dicom_anonymizer-1.0.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (the version number might be higher)


Scripts to download, check and anonymize datasets







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