- Custom keybinds / sound effects for Photoshop, Blender, virtually everything...
- disable ALT key menu acceleration, by TaranVH Prevent shortcuts from triggering after pressing ALT, especially useful on Photoshop.
Krokiet / Czkawka : Remove file duplicates, works for Images, Songs, etc..
Mega : File transfer and backup, folder synchronization. Useful to send files back and forth between phone and computer.
Rainmeter : Used to generate random images and text slideshows, useful to display and remember references / sentences overtimes.
Tampermonkey : Custom scripts used to download images over different websites. (Google Maps, Flicker, IMDB, etc...) as well as capturing frames from reals and Videos.
WFdownloader and Gallery-dl : Download / Backup image archive.
Search-center : Chrome plugin that allows the search of keywords across multiple search engines, useful to look up many stock photo websites at once.
7+ Taskbar Tweaker : Allow to sort the folders displayed in the taskbar alphabetically, particularly useful when having to manage many folders at once.