Camelot v0.2.5
Camelot v0.2.5 is a massive (almost 100 commits!) release with new features and bug fixes. In this release I added drag n drop, favorite directories, tabs history and many more features. Detailed changes list is below:
- Added files drag n drop. On some platforms even drag n drop from/into app is allowed!
- History support. Browse your tabs directories history.
- Favorite directories support. Mark directory as favorite and have quick access to it.
- Ctrl+Shift+T support. Closed tab accidentally? Reopen it like it's a browser tab!
- Ctrl+C Ctrl+V functionality on Windows was rewritten
- Grid splitter was added by @CreateLab
- Bug fixes including few major ones.
- Translations update
- Refactoring
- UI tests new structure and more test cases
Binaries are attached below.