A simple test for JavaScript + Angular 4+ candidates at Infomedia.
This basic starter is published here (/docs): http://infomedialtd.github.io/JavaScriptTest/
Test: Fork this repo, take the starter and impress us!
Please make frequent commits with meaningful commit messages so that we can see the progression of the changes and intent of the code.
- Add search / filtering
- Add editing
- Make it look great
- Add local persistence
- ..?
At the end, make sure you send us the GitHub link to your fork and publish with:
ng build --output-path docs
In your forked repository, make sure the GitHub settings publish the /docs folder and update the README.md link from:
Instructions for doing that can be found here: https://help.github.com/articles/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-github-pages/#publishing-your-github-pages-site-from-a-docs-folder-on-your-master-branch
Make sure your tests pass with:
ng test