by Bram Ebus
The destruction of 44 thousand square miles of forests in the largest mining project in Venezuela
- node v10.1.x
- npm v5.6.x
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Create dist folder and compile project
$ npm run predeploy
Access http://localhost:3002/
Watch files
$ npm run watch
$ npm run deploy
OBS: open src/CNAME and change domain if needed
Install environment and dependencies
$ docker-compose build --no-cache
Starting docker
$ docker-compose up
Create public folder and compile project (in docker bash)
docker$ npm run predeploy
Access http://localhost:3002/
docker$ npm run deploy
If you use 2FA (2 factor authentication) on git hub, follow these steps.
When using docker you can use watch for save and auto compile files when developing. For this you have to copy dist and node_modules from docker to host and uncomment volumes in docker-compose.yml file. The steps are:
Copy dist and node_modules from docker to host (when docker-compose is up and running using bash from host) $ docker cp
$(docker-compose ps -q app):/usr/src/app/node_modules . $ docker cp$(docker-compose ps -q app):/usr/src/app/yarn.lock . $ docker cp $(docker-compose ps -q app):/usr/src/app/public . -
Uncomment dist and node_modules folder from .dockerignore file
Uncomment Volumes from docker-compose.yml
docker-compose down
docker-compose up
Inside docker bash: docker-compose exec app bash
docker$ npm run watch
rafgraph for the 404.html redirect (rewrite rule for github pages). It works!
Natalie Cardot how to easily Deploy a Create React App Project to GitHub Pages.
Ginny Fahs how to authenticate on github with 2FA.
Paulo Campos at Studio Cubo Web for converting this site into github pages host